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Old 03-11-2007, 12:42 PM
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Hi Frogga,

Pathology with something bacteria or viral is very, very difficult for them to pin point. Their are some that are a piece a cake for the Docs. In my case I think something is chronic which will be a rough fight, but I am ready.

I have had alot of things ruled out. But for one thing like the Elisa for Lyme is NOT accurate. The blood work needs to rushed as well for the labs, relating to something else bacteria or viral.

Here is a link relating lyme to RSD.

Here is another relating cell changes.

I have my heart, brain, etc... involved. I hope you get well real soon. Hugs, Roz

I also believe their are a few different roots to RSD. This being one.

Last edited by buckwheat; 03-11-2007 at 01:16 PM.
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