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Old 03-12-2007, 11:00 PM
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1.You mentioned you have 2 young children. Who takes care of them while you are sitting in bed with your antiques? I seriouly can not even have my husband touch me. So obviously you had no problem being touched.

2. We are all different, it is not a matter of some people putting one foot in front of the other. I have done that it only caused me a 8 hour emergency surgery with neuro. and vascular entrapment. I am now not allowed to lift anything over 2 pounds.

3. Some people on this web site have heart and lung problems. Do you have any medical knowledge what that would do to them, even pushing themselves a little bit.

4. You really need to stop assuming things or even mention what is better or not for anybody.

5. I have had 2 very successful business at different times in my life, before RSD, one owning a Beauty Shop called Great Cuts. I was also very involved in Humanitarian work.

6. Their are several people that watch this site their in to rough of shape to even post.

7. We are a loving RSD site here. I hope you will give some thought to what you write because you could be hurting alot of people. Roz

Last edited by buckwheat; 03-12-2007 at 11:30 PM.
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