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Old 07-31-2011, 06:00 PM
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Smile Welcome, James.

I'm glad you're here, James, & I hope your wife also checks out the forums. I searched thru the posts & could find only one reference to Arachnid cyst:

As I read your post, tho, I am wondering about the timeline. You didn't see this current doctor for a year after the seizure. I'm guessing tho that your wife was put on medication while in hospital & has been on it since discharge. If that's the case, these problems you've noticed could be (all or in part) side effects of the medication.

But you say, "My wife was given a drug to prevent the siezures, which it has. It has not however done anything for any of the other issues. (6 months later) When we told the neurologist this, she again seemed more interested in making sure there were no siezures and getting my wifes license back."

So I'm not clear: Were these other symptoms present before your wife was taking the anti-seizure medication?

Please don't feel like I'm grilling you --you've got a complicated situation going & it's wonderful that you're here for your wife, seeking help.

There's a Search tab on the colored bar near the top of this page (just right of center), which you can use to search for posts & threads on each of the symptoms you've listed.

As for your next visit, you might want to holster those guns & take a cooler approach. Make a list of your concerns. Maybe ask whether the current medication could be causing the symptoms or making them worse. Maybe ask her straight out why she thinks the driver's license is more important than quality of life.

Can you get a referral from the neurologist to a psychiatrist? Apparently that's who she thinks needs to deal with the aggression you've seen developing, if she's attributed it to "mental disorders."

Others will be by. Feel free to drop into any of the forums, ask questions, make yourself at home. Keep asking questions.
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