Thread: Peace?
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Old 03-13-2007, 05:47 PM
KathyM KathyM is offline
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KathyM KathyM is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 980
15 yr Member
Red face

Maybe I didn't explain myself very well. It was the talk of "Perfect Love" and the part saying if a person feels they have a right to be angry about something it will distance them from God. It reminded me of what I hear a LOT at that other board.

I've been a member of that American Indian message board for over 4 years now. I very rarely post because it's connected to an Indian News board. It's a board for Indians to discuss these issues and generally gather together to talk about daily life in Indian country here. It is NOT a spiritual board.

There is SO MUCH pain and anger on that board - over 500 years worth of trauma. They need their space to heal, but the Christians and New Agers keep pecking at their wounds and turning the Indians against each other.

You can't just tell the Indians to get over it. They are still being raped. Would you expect a rape victim to feel forgiveness in her heart during the violent act? Would you scream over her screams "Don't be angry - it will distance you from God!"

The Christians go in with good intentions, but it only triggers the traumatic stress when they want to talk with them about Jesus. If Christianity hadn't tortured and separated them all from their families, they wouldn't be feeling so disconnected and lost. It's always the same excuse that the former Christians weren't "true" Christians. The language from the Indians can become quite vulgar, and this usually causes the Christians to fly off the handle and laugh at the Indians for their pain because they are evil and will never know Jesus.

It's painful enough to know their pain has been caused by Christianity. It's even more painful to watch the trauma it creates - suicide rates are through the roof in Indian country.

I don't understand why it is so necessary to push Christianity onto strangers you know nothing about.

New Agers are the same way because they have this idea that all Indians are spiritual beings who hold the secret to living a happy and fulfilled life. This triggers the traumatic stress of having lost everything but their connection with God. When the New Agers don't get what they want, they accuse the Indians of being selfish for not sharing their spirituality and healing powers.

I won't turn my back on the Indians because they are suffering more than any other people I know in this country. It's because of us and no one seems to care.

It's been very hard for me to watch these Christians and New Agers in action over there. It makes me wonder if the true intention of their interaction with the Indians is to kill them off. When their true colors show, there is SO MUCH hatred inside them, not "perfect love." I think the Indians have a right to be angry at the way they are being treated.

My question: How can I continue to watch this vile behavior toward my friends without my anger turning into hatred for Christians and New Agers? It has already cause me to distrust them all because I can't tell the true ones from the fake ones.

I hope this post isn't deleted.
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