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Old 08-11-2011, 02:47 PM
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Hi, Pete:

You are right; Tylenol does not help all by itself. This is the reason why I usually take one 1,000 mg tablet of Tylenol with one 30 mg capsule of MSIR (morphine sulfate immediate release), hoping to potentiate the effect of MSIR or hoping, at least, to make MSIR work more quickly. Waiting for hours and hours for MSIR to start working is indeed more than annoying!

So, your methadone controls your pain. If I may ask, what are the Valium and Cymbalta used for in RSD?

My doctor refuses to give me any sleep medications. I have no doubt it is because he is being harassed by the public health insurance company's doctors, which is why he might be afraid to prescribe more medications for me. The doctors of this public health insurance company are more worried about saving money on my back (not on theirs) than about helping me as needed. I call these doctors Hell's accountants; they spend their time complaining about how expensive my medical care is. I did not choose to have RSD! I really sincerely wish they would get full body RSD so they know what it is like to walk in my shoes. I have never hated people as much as I hate them, except the woman who injured me, knowing she should not have driven because her Alzheimer's disease reached a stage where she could not drive anymore. However, Madam did not want to lose her freedom of moving; she preferred injuring people. I also wish she would get RSD so she can know what she did to me and walk in my shoes to feel what I feel.

You take Imetrex for your migraines; I take Relpax. Are your migraines linked to RSD, like mine are?

Lidocaine patches are not available where I live. I used to use them in the USA but unfortunately, I am not there anymore because I do not have medical insurance in this country.

Quote: "It's no joy ride, but, you CAN manage it, and it WILL take you down 2-3 times/week. Get used to that." How? How can I do that? In the several years I have tried to do so, I have miserably failed.

Quote: "My prayers go to you!" Thanks for your prayers! I really appreciate them. If only God would just cure me! In my dreams!
"Thanks for this!" says:
AintSoBad (08-12-2011)