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Old 08-19-2011, 07:42 PM
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Hi, gramE:

I clicked on the url you posted and I registered on this web site. The amount of information provided by this web site is amazing and really interesting. Thank you so much for sharing this link with me and the rest of us.

It seems to me that I have a lot of the symptoms of Wilson's Syndrome. I just wonder how to know if these symptoms are caused by RSD or by Wilson's Syndrome, since both syndromes share many, many of the same symptoms. What kind of medical specialist can diagnose Wilson's Syndrome? You mentioned an endocrinologist. Hopefully, there is at least one in French Polynesia.

I will never be able to get epidurals in French Polynesia because these are only given to patients who had surgery to control their post operative pain or to women who are going to give birth. Are there no oral medications to control the symptoms of this syndrome, if this is the syndrome I have?

Both the heat and cold bother me.

Quote: "It is easier for them to put it back on you in the way of mental illness instead of saying, I don't know what is causing this." This is so true.

At the present time, I cannot concentrate enough to use distraction.

Quote: "I use distraction because many time meds don't work. Maybe during a particular difficult time you can walk intensely or do a puzzle, something that takes total concentration." Like reading? I enjoy reading a lot.

Thanks for your prayers, your kind words, and your information.
"Thanks for this!" says:
AintSoBad (08-19-2011)