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Old 08-21-2011, 10:01 PM
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Only a little hopeless, helpless, etc? Just going through all the diagnoses tentatively given then taken back would exhaust the strongest person. But I am very glad you've come here.

B2Y gave you a great link. Since you don't have a diagnosis, you could look around the Parkinson's forum, epilepsy, etc., but I don't see that doing so would be productive at this point. Right now, while the doctor work, your major task I guess is going to be to keep your spirits & your husband's up.

We have a Forum for Caregivers:
It's not as active as I'd like to see it, be it's getting better. This is where you'll hopefully pick up some hints on surviving those 36-HR days.

Another forum that might help you some is the one for Depression:
Your husband might also find this useful, because he could talk one-to-one with other men dealing with depression, often related to health issues. Knowing you haven't been singled out in the world to suffer this misery often helps with our ability to hang in there while the interminable wait goes on.

You will meet so many folks here whose stories touch on yours. We'll listen to whatever fears, indecision, or rantsyou need to get our of your system. When good news comes along, we are celebrating fools!

I would suggest that you re-post your intro on the forums, where there's much more traffic. Ask questions, whatever is on your mind. Please stay in touch. I hope your husband will fell like joining us.

Take care of you--remember that comes first now. He totally needs you to be okay. We'll do whatever we can for both of you.
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