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Old 08-23-2011, 02:24 PM
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Hi, Chemar:

I would just like to let you know that, when I typed my suicidal message, it was not to push other users of this forum to kill themselves. I would never do such a thing. In this message, I was just trying to get these desperate and sad feelings out of myself

*admin edit as per NT guidelines*

2) This message was first about the feeling of icy cold running through my veins and arteries and the feeling of insects crawling through my veins and arteries. When I did not get the help I so much needed and was expecting from my doctors, only then did I have thoughts of suicide. If I chose not to post this in the suicide forum, it was because all of my problems were caused by RSD and I felt only RSD patients or caregivers could understand me. If you take a look at the McGill Pain Scale and at other RSD documents and testimonies, you will realize RSD is a special, rare, and very, very painful syndrome: this is why I felt RSD patients and caregivers would better be able to understand me, even if I am not saying the people in the suicide forum are not caring.

Thank you very much for your kindness, for your information, and for the links you provided. *admin edit as per NT guidelines*

Quote: "I do hope you find help to deal with the pain, and hope for Life." I hope so also, because I sincerely think that no one, whether it is me or somebody else, should have to suffer from RSD and from pain. Everyone deserves a life they can enjoy with their loved ones, on this beautiful Earth God gave us.

By the way, I hope it is okay with you that I printed in colors the beautiful and very funny image with the German shepherds and the cat. Just looking at it or thinking about it makes me smile or laugh so hard my ribs ache.

Last edited by Chemar; 08-23-2011 at 08:47 PM. Reason: sorry but edits have to be done as per the Guidelines. Please PM me if you have questions.