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Old 09-16-2011, 07:14 PM
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Thank you very much, Dr. Smith. The document from the link you gave me provided a very interesting view on sleep patterns and personality. People who like to sleep in a fetal position are apparently hard on the outside, but soft on the inside. To the people who physically see me, I seem like a hard person, but I only harden myself, as if making a hard shell, to protect myself against the physical and psychological effects of RSD. However, I know that on the inside of me, there is a soft part; when I am alone or with my cat, I let that soft part of myself out by crying into my pillow or talking to my cat. Even if she does not understand my words, I believe she understands I am sad because she meows at almost every sentence I say. I am sure it is her way of telling me she loves me the way I am. She is able to make me laugh. She is such a special cat. Her name is Capucine, which is why I chose that screen name.
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