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Old 09-21-2011, 01:38 PM
Acuity Acuity is offline
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Acuity Acuity is offline
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Originally Posted by en bloc View Post
It sounds like you've been worked up thoroughly. Have all the tests/scans been normal? What are the docs saying at this point?
Nothing definitive and specific at this point.
In December, the doctors at emerg suggested that I could possibly have benign positional vertigo. This was later shot down by several ENT's and vestibular testing. It was also theorized that I may have ruptured a disk which was piercing my spinal chord, which is why they sent me for an MRI on C1-C4, but those tests came up negative. Last month an ENT thought that maybe I had a fistula, but a specialist at Sunnybrook down in Toronto said that was not the case. My neughologist said it was an "inner ear problem" and my ENT believes I need to see a neurologist. My family doctor tends to be the type that is not hands on, or even remembers who you are (I am approaching my 3rd year with him). We've been trying to get a new GP since March but it's virtually impossible to get a family doctor in the region I live and atm we're on a regional waiting list.

So basically, lots of hunches and no real answers. Tons of negative tests and lots of repetative tests looking for the same ailments ie: 4 CT scans on my brain, hearing checked twice, 6-7 blood tests with very simular workups,etc. Lost in the mix is that I was supposed to get vestibular testing completed and their office was surprised to find out (by my wife and I) that they still had not done it, which is why I have been refered to get it done by another ENT next week. Although it's my 2nd time seeing him so he may simply decide it's not needed.

I mentioned earlier that my 2nd ENT appointment resulted in him hitting something inside my ear that hurt. I had a followup with him but he was away on vacation and the subsistute ENT said she saw "something" wrong with my eardrum, which consequently led to her setting up the CAT scan. She mentioned the possibility of something specific wrong with it, but my wife and I could only remember that it ended with "itus" , which isn't very specific.

But we felt this timeline was important, simply because it wasn't until this ENT hit something inside my ear, that I started having the itching, very bad smell, discoloured wax and soon after those symptoms were disappearing I had the weird sensations on my face/head, the very loud high pitched tinnitus in my left ear and an extreme sensitivity to high pitched sounds in my left ear (sounds like even low volume high pitched sounds from a room away is coming through a megaphone, right against my eardrum).

All of that may simply be a coincidence and just an evolution from my original ear problem being left untreated for numerous months (just a guess on my part), or it could be a scenerio where something inside my eardrum was injured from that visit. At this point, i'm just guessing and trying to go to as many appointments as possible and research as much as I can.
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