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Old 10-05-2011, 05:58 PM
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Hi, 6kiddos:

I think I was really, really stupid and this saddens me. Why? My Duragesic (fentanyl) patches and my MSIR (morphine sulfate immediate release) were controlling my icy and burning pain so well that I assumed my RSD could not and would not spread anywhere. How wrong I was! How stupid I was! Now my RSD is generalized. Not only it is external, but it is now internal also. My RSD started "attacking" the following internal organs: brain, lungs, and thyroid. What organ is next? My heart? Another organ? If it continues this way, my RSD is going to end up killing me. I do not know if RSD can be a deadly syndrome when it attacks certain organs, but I do not want to die. I only have one life and I want to enjoy it as much as I can.

Thanks for your answer and kind words. I sincerely hope your RSD will never spread to your whole body and attack your internal organs. A nurse practitioner and other health care professionals told me it was quite rare for RSD to become generalized and attack organs, so hopefully you are safe.
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