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Old 10-06-2011, 06:23 PM
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Hi, Dr. Smith:

No, Dr. Smith. I have absolutely no doubt that it was naltrexone, not naloxone, that was used in some fentanyl patches during the clinical trial in which I participated.

Take a look at this (I hope the link works); I was part of a similar clinical trial done a few years earlier:

If the link does not work, you will have to type the link in the box starting with http://www. (I do not know the technical name for that box).

Read what you see on this page. Then click on:

Click here to view the journal abstract from the study manuscript.

You will be able to see and read the Protocol Final Report.

Quote: "As I understand it, they should have brought your opioid levels down considerably before trying this, and even then there is a specific protocol that must be adhered to and carefully monitored. Somebody (and possibly more than one) messed up." This is also what I think. At the time of the clinical trial I participated in a few years ago, I was on the 75 mcg dosage of Duragesic.
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