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Old 10-07-2011, 03:21 PM
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Hi, Porkette:

I always say sky diving is my drug, even to my neurologist, who does not like my sky diving. However, my orthopedic surgeon agrees to my sky diving. I told my neurologist I am not going to sit on a seat for the rest of my life, watching others have fun while I cannot. I refuse to live like that. If sky diving should kill me because I have a seizure in the air (my parachute opens automatically if I have not opened it by a ceratin altitude), at least I will have died while doing something I enjoy and love.

I have no treatment for my hypothyroidism yet because the endocrinologist is waiting for the results of more blood tests. However, when he has these results, I think he will prescribe some type of hormone(s) replacement because the thyroid is not producing the hormone(s).

Thanks for your information, your kind words, and your friendship.
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