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Old 10-14-2011, 03:52 PM
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Hi, Dr. Smith:

Quote: "As I mentioned previously, it's not just opioids - chronic pain itself can suppress/deplete hormones, and this does include thyroid hormones."

Thanks for helping me understand all this. Like you said, since chronic pain itself can suppress/deplete hormones, including thyroid hormones, I am almost absolutely sure that my generalized RSD is to blame, because this syndrome is responsible for my severe chronic pain and for my need to use strong narcotic painkillers for the rest of my life. It does not bother me at all to have to use this type of medication for the rest of my life because I know without the shadow of a doubt that I am not a drug addict, but a chronic pain patient. Like I used to tell everybody: "Take away my generalized RSD and its severe chronic pain and I will take away my painkillers."

I will read and print, if you do not mind, your chronicle about hormones as painkillers in the Chronic Pain forum. Besides printing and reading all the documents from the links you posted, your printed chronicle will help by showing your experience with chronic pain and hormones.

Thanks for all the information.
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