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Old 10-16-2011, 04:39 PM
Janke Janke is offline
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Janke Janke is offline
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Originally Posted by gday View Post
Me & My son got to talking. By having a payee it does violate a person constitutional right to have a choice. A payee takes that right away. Any beneficiary should of a right to mess up like anyone else. SSDI doesn't care what you spend it for. SSI does if you are disabled. We watch Cspan a lot.
So why do you remain payee when you believe it is morally wrong? Has SSI denied his application to be his own payee? Has he even applied?

I believe that payees should be required for minor children, legally incompetent adults, and mentally disabled adults who have shown that they do not have the ability to be sure the rent is paid or there is food in the cupboard through the end of the month and the lights are still on and the water still runs. I believe society has a responsibility to make sure that mentally challenged adults are neither homeless nor hungry.

So why doesn't he apply to be his own payee? You are the one who thinks he doesn't need it and that it is not necessary. Why do you continue cooperating in something you don't agree with?

When you are no longer payee, you will no longer have any rights to controlling the money, making decisions about the money, getting Social Security to take action on his behalf. That will all fall on his shoulders. He will bear the brunt of his good and bad decisions, like the rest of us do.

Too late to change for November, but December can be changed. Get a form SSA-787. He needs to take it to his treating physician who will make a recommendation. That form can then be submitted with the payee application at your local office and he can be his own payee December or possibly January. Not hard at all.

I am finished responding in this thread.

Last edited by Janke; 10-16-2011 at 04:54 PM.
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