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Old 10-17-2011, 12:59 PM
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Hi, msrD:

Thank you so much for your information and links. It helps me understand many things, including why my beloved and loving treasures are not here anymore.

Hopefully, PureVax (for rabies) is available in my area; otherwise, none of my cats will get any vaccines. When the veterinarian insists on vaccinating my cats, I refuse to give him the permission to do this and I tell him I want my cats to have a longer and happier life, instead of being killed by a vaccine. He looks at me as if I am crazy, so I am shopping for a new veterinarian.

When humans die because of a vaccine, everyone cares, but when animals (cats, dogs...) die because of a vaccine, no one seems to care, so animals vaccine manufacturers will not make any effort to make safer vaccines for our beloved pets.

My U.S. physical therapist always confides in me when one of her cats dies. She never confides in her work colleagues (physical therapists, nurses, and doctors) because she feels they cannot understand her. Instead, they tell her something like: "Do not cry!!! It is just a cat, not a human!!! Why do you cry just for a cat!!!" Hearing this hurts her feelings sooo much, which I can understand, because I was told the exact same thing when I cried after the death of my cats. To me, these cats are more than friends; they are like family members and, I am not ashamed to say it, like humans. In today's world, there are so many lonely people (especially among old people and single people) that animals are like family to them. They give them the love they lack in their life, which is not something to be dismissed.

Quote: "There is a cancer called vaccination sarcoma." This is certainly what killed my cats and the animals of many other people.

Apart from the rabies vaccine (PureVax), are there, at the present time, other vaccines for other animal diseases that are free of adjuvants?

Quote: "PureVax is rather new and not all vets use it, yet." Is it because they want to use up all their vaccines that contain adjuvants so as not to waste the money they invested in them or is it because they are making more money with these adjuvant containing vaccines (because they may be more expensive than PureVax) or is it because adjuvant vaccines manufacturers are lobbying for them to buy their vaccines instead of buying PureVax?

Your cat Tippy died at age 20 and your cat Sheba at age 24. It is not common for cats to live that long. Of course, Tippy and Sheba might have had "good genes", but I am sure these cats living that long is due to the excellent care you gave them (love, food, exercise...) This shows you truly are a good person. You were so kind to them that these cats wanted to live 20 years or more to stay with a person as loving as you. I am sure Oreo would do that if cancer had not come into her life. All your cats must want to live a long life with you because they know you love them. I read an article in WebMD Cats that says cats do know if they are loved or not by their owners. They can express feelings (happiness, sadness, anger...) according to the good or bad life they have with their owners.

I would sooo much like for a miracle to happen with Oreo so she can continue living with you a long and happy life, which she deserves. I will pray very hard for her. Some stupid people say we should not bother God and pray for animals but I strongly disagree because God loves animals; after all, He created them also. Since animals cannot pray for themselves, why should humans not do it? Once, when I was a kid, my Siamese cat was very sick. Everyone thought he was going to die. I prayed to God to let him live and take me instead. I remember this very well. My Siamese cat did not die, until a veterinarian killed him with a vaccine some years later. I hate him so much! Cat killer!

Quote: "She is not liking me much anymore because I take her to the doctor where all the needles are, and then give her medicine which she hates." I am sure Oreo does not like the veterinarian that hurts her (even if is is involuntary) and the bad-tasting medications you give her. However, I am sure she loves you. The way you talk to her, the way you pet her, all this when you give her her medications, surely make her understand you love her and are trying to help her. I have absolutely no doubt she loves you.

Quote: "Losing pets is like losing a child. They are so innocent and depend on us and give unconditional love in return." This is sooo very true. My cats are my children. If one of my cats has to die from a non-curable disease someday and I know he/she is going to die soon, I call the veterinarian to come urgently at home to give him/her a shot that will send him/her to a better world, with God. I prefer my cats to die at home, with people who love her, rather than in a veterinarian's office, with fear as his/her last thought. Even if it is more expensive to pay for the veterinarian coming home, money is less important than the love we gave each other all these years. For all the love this cat gave during his/her life, I believe he/she deserves to die at home, in an environment he/she knows and loves, with people who love him/her.

Quote: "I know how heartbreaking it has been for you." When I think of my dead cats, even those that died more than a decade ago, I still want to cry my eyes out. I love them sooo much, but there is a part in me that tells myself that I should have done more for them, that I was not good enough.

Thanks for being such a good person to all your cats! They will remember you, wherever they are (certainly with God)!
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