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Old 10-17-2011, 07:36 PM
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Hi, mrsD:

Quote: "Some people recover from thyroiditis, and no longer need the hormone." What kind of people recover from thyroiditis? If what my doctor said is true (thyroiditis being an auto-immune disease in which the body destroys its own thyroid), then why would my body stop destroying my thyroid all of a sudden, for no reason?

Quote: "It is fairly common for women to become mildly hypo after delivering a baby, take the hormone for a while, and then go off eventually." Unfortunately, I have never and will never deliver a baby, since I cannot produce children due to infertility.

Quote: "Only when the thyroiditis damages cells, and they can no longer produce hormone is external hormone given for life." In my case, is it not better to be on the safe side and continue taking the levothyroxine, as long as it does not damage my body?

Quote: "Did you test positive for the Hash antibodies?" What is the techniocal name for the Hash antibodies, so I can check the thyroid test results?

On the test results sheet, I see (I cannot translate it in English, since the test was done in France, but I will do my best):

-Antibodies Anti Thyroperoxidase: 67.2 IU/ml
-T3L: 2.94 pg/ml
-T4L: 12.50 pmol/l
-TSH ultra sensible: 2.32 mIU/l (5.64 mIU/l one month before)
-Prolactine: 23.3 mcg/l
-Antibodies Anti Thyroglobulin: 442 IU/ml
-Antibodies Anti Receptor Thyreostimuline: under 1.0 IU/l

Can you tell, from these results, if I tested positive to the Hashimoto's antibodies?

All I know is that my primary care physician told me, after looking at my latest thyroid blood test results, that I have an auto-immune disease. He mentioned thyroiditis. I read on the Internet that thyroiditis was synonym to Hashimoto's hypothyroidism, but Internet could be wrong.

If levothyroxine is used to treat hypothyroidism and propranolol is used to treat hyperthyroidism, what will happen to me? In other words, how can a person take one medication that treats hypothyroidism (levothyroxine) AND another medication that treats hyperthyroidism (propranolol)? It does not make any sense to me, but I am not a doctor, so what I think is not to rely upon.

Thanks for your information and for being so kind and telling me the truth. I want you to know I really appreciate it.

Last edited by kittycapucine1974; 10-17-2011 at 07:37 PM. Reason: Correction of mistakes
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