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Old 10-27-2011, 10:45 AM
xxxxcrystalxxxx xxxxcrystalxxxx is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
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xxxxcrystalxxxx xxxxcrystalxxxx is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: USA
Posts: 225
10 yr Member
Confused This is my story....

On July 12th I opened up a cabinet door that was floor to ceiling and weighed about fifty pounds. As soon as it opened the sharp edge came down on the right side of the front of my head near the temple.

I was at work at the time. My supervisor called in one of the MD's we work with. He made a joke with me and then they had me lie down for twenty minutes with ice. I was "out of it" spacing, foggy, headache.... After my twenty minutes I went back to work. I had a huge bump. My coworkers kept saying my eyes didn't look right. My left eye was at half mast and my pupils weren't even. I sat down to do pharmacy and I just couldn't concentrate. My head hurt so bad. Finally before lunch I got called over to do an ekg on a patient. I was sick to my stomach and again my head.

I dont remember much about working up the patient. I couldn't put her demographic info into the system. I went to my MD and said the patient was ready.

I figured I'd go outside and see if some fresh air would help.....The sun light cut right through my head. I couldn't open my eyes. I then told my supervisor something isn't right and I wanted to go to the doctors. She asked me if I was coming back after the appointment.

I drove myself to the walk in center. I dont remember much about the ride. I walked in and they took me into the "trauma" room. I was dizzy and unable to stand very well. They ordered the cat scan and had my husband come get me. No driving for me.

The CAT scan was normal. I thought ok, no big deal. I'll go home and rest. Take the Motrin for my headaches.

Well I was so wrong. I'm now three months into this nightmare. It took a month to get into a Nuero MD. They ordered PT for my back and

I was sent back to work my the Occupational MD. I was working half days. It was so traumatic. I was exhausted and my symptoms kept getting worse. Finally I had my appt at the Head Injury clinic. My head hurt so bad. He said no way to working and pulled me for six weeks. They then ordered the Nueropsych testing for six weeks later.

My days are based on how my head feels. I dont sleep well. My head makes whooshing sounds all the time. I've down sunk into a depression and anxiety has reared it's ugly head. I get frustrated because everyone keeps asking when I'll be back at work. When am I going to get better? I have to cancel plans alot and they dont understand why. My friends and family really have no idea what I'm going through. I could tell them to read this and that but it's not going to happen.

My husband had been my only supporter in all of this. I feel like I'm a burden. He's not working and now I'm not working. He's been great throught all this but I worry.

I think about my job and I know physically I cant do it at this time. If I dont improve much then I'll never be able to go back. This concerns me. The doctors dont have much to say.

I went to one Neuro who said it looks like your getting better. Maybe we can get you back to work soon. I'm thinking to myself, "I'm here because I was just in the ER for day nine of migrane.". He said to take Maxamalt and Fioricet for my headaches. They dont work.

He scheduled my follow up for six months.

The Head Injury Clinic told me there isn't anything they can do regarding the headaches. Ahhh....hello!!!! When I mentioned my symptoms and whooshing sounds the Nueropsych MD looked at me like I was crazy.

I'm not crazy!!!!! They think my depression and anxiety is getting in the way of me getting better.

Before my accident I was a happy. I loved helping people and my work with patients. Now I dont even know this person I've become. I worry this will not get better. I dont get any explanations from the doctors as to what to expect or long term expectations.

I feel like I'm in Limbo and dont quite know what to do from here. I started the Lorazapam but I dont notice any difference. The migrane Maxamalt does nothing. The Fioricet doesn't help my headache but it does allow me to cat nap. I figured with my sleep all messed up it's the least I can do.

I did research in my area to see what type of support groups I could possibly attend.....yep you got it....NONE........

Thanks for letting me vent. My head isn't hurting the morning just whooshing so I thought before it reared it's ugly head I would get it all out.

Thank you for all the support.. It really does help!!!

p.s. I've noticed I have anger..... normal????? The matienance workers where I work knew the door that came off the hinges had the wrong hinges on it. He mentioned it when they told him what happened. He said, " I know they installed the wrong hinges". This upsets me. An avoidable accident and I have to pay...What the Y&*%$....... so yeah I am pist...
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