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Old 03-22-2007, 06:54 AM
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So, Mommyjen, to continue:
Originally Posted by mommyjen View Post
I just feel like with a newly diagnosed person it best to stick with what we know and then let thier journey unfold.
Well, it's a pity you didn't follow your own feelings - Trix's question was about temperature difference in the affected areas. Bringing in all that other stuff about wasting, bone loss, dystonia, crippling conditions, fevers, rashes, chronic swelling, tendonitis, death sentence - now, that is just plain scare tactics, and *not* supportive in my opinion. No one mentioned any of that till you did, MJ.

You say:
Originally Posted by mommyjen View Post
I would be interested in reading more about the movement disorder connection if you have more articles.
Why should Roz have to find articles for you? Can't you manage it yourself?

Some people on this forum (notably Roz) have spent a considerable amount of time amassing a wealth of information about RSD/CRPS; and they're posted right here. Couldn't be easier for you, you could begin your learning process by properly reading the back posts and their links. Or get yourself on the net, like the rest of us.

It's *extremely* irritating to read your persistently strident and uncompromising, often misinformed, posts. I realize I could put you on my "ignore" list, but I fear you are damaging what, until now, has been a pretty well-adjusted forum where we enjoy being together.

I know your viewpoint applies completely to you yourself, but bringing your soapbox into every single post you make and applying your own situation to everyone else is intolerable.

Here, we try to show sympathy, support and share information about new research into this condition. We take some pride in being as well-informed as possible, please don't undermine that by being so casual about it. We also, very importantly, try to *empathise* with eachother, a quality rather absent from your posts.

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