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Old 11-03-2011, 06:51 PM
FrustratedMomma FrustratedMomma is offline
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FrustratedMomma FrustratedMomma is offline
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Originally Posted by SmilinEyesMs305 View Post
Have you thought about seeing a psychiatrist? I know many people are reluctant to try anti-anxiety meds or mood stablizers. However, dealing with some similar issues myself, I would be completely unstable right now without them.

Post accident, if I over do it or am tired, I feel like I'm going to snap. I have said some really hurtful things and have been very close to getting physically aggressive a few times. (And believe me, this is SO not what I am normally like. I was working as a behavioral therapist for aggressive children before this, and had to have a TON of patience to do my job. I had no problem keeping my cool for extended periods of time, despite challenging situations and behaviors.)

Now there are times when if feeling symptomatic, it's very hard for me to have any patience. I can't imagine feeling this way at such a young age, without the experiences of my life to back me up to try and keep my cool.

This was a daily struggle for me until:

1) I slowed my life down to a pace that wasn't overwhelming me. This meant no work, and no Grad school. Perhaps your son needs to back off the 4 hours aday. Is there anyway he could do his work from home so he could spread it out over the day and take breaks? Or perhaps only do part of the 4 hours each day? I know you are worried about his education, but you may be prolonging his recovery majorally.

2) I went to a psychiatrist recommended by my dr, (also in sports medicine). I was put on Effexor daily and ativan as needed. This took me from feeling like a raging made person who felt like they were extreme pmsing 24/7 to someome who only has a mild outburst here or there. I've learned what my triggers are and have used the ativan to prevent even these. I maybe feel pushed to the edge now once every two weeks, rather than everyday, all day and the ativan helps calm me down to reel me back in when this does occur.

I feel for your child. It is an awful place to be, and it really is something you have no control over. As I explained to my boyfriends mother, it is seriously like having the most intense PMS I've ever had. I feel awful after I explode on someone. But when it happens, I really CAN'T stop myself. You just feel so out of control. Like I said, the above two things were really what helped me get my control back.

Hope this helps and your son is continuing to make great strides in recovery!
Thank you for all of your input! The amitriptilyne is an 'old school' anti-depressant, so it does have mild mood stabilizers in it. We are not opposed to having him see a psychiatrist and/or try some more advanced rx's. I guess we are/have been just hoping that he would 'turn a corner' before we had to consider taking that next step. We honestly never imagined the long haul of recovery we were in for.

We are seriously considering and realizing that it may come to pulling him out of school. Again, had just been hoping we didn't have to take that step. This is quite the learning curve for us, and it has really set us on our heels a bit.

I so much appreciate your feedback, and will definately be taking it all into consideration. Thank you for your time and well wishes!
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