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Old 11-04-2011, 05:59 PM
BigMama6 BigMama6 is offline
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BigMama6 BigMama6 is offline
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Originally Posted by ElyseHart View Post
I had to jump in here as I have been reading this thread with great interest. I too have ATOS. I struggle as I am 100% compresses in three positions and 100% open when my arm is down. I am (was) an accountant and have worked on computers (spreadsheets) all my life. I too kept taking meds so I could keep working. I loved my career and miss it terribly. But, I have found I have adjusted to my "new normal".

As for Thanksgiving dinner, I too love to nurture my kids and it pleases me so to put on a nice meal for everyone. But trust me, your children would rather have you healthy and recovering nicely if that is what your doctor thinks is best.

Also, you are very young and your condition is vascular so you should expect a great result. As for the asthma, the most important thing is that the doctor knows ahead of time so they can prepare you in pre-op. My daughter has severe asthma and has had eight surgeries. The first time, she did not tell them she had asthma and she struggled with breathing issues in recovery but after that oversight they always give her a breathing treatment right before surgery and she does just fine (she is 32 now).

I know surgery is so scary but you have good health, youth, and a good medical team on your side. I am keeping you in my thoughts and looking forward to hear of your great success.

Originally Posted by BigMama6 View Post
Ahhh!! I typed a nice, long reply to you all yesterday, but didn't finish it. Finished it a few min ago and it said I was timed out! Noooooooo! Anyway, status update soon...THANK YOU, ELYSE, 343, and everyone else. Will share new info in just a bit.
Okay, here goes again:

First off, thank you again, Elyse. Our similar circumstances have given me a tremendous amount of hope.

I assume you had surgery? Would you share a bit about your recovery? Also, do you have any problems on your "unaffected" side? My right hand and arm have been very sore lately. Not sure if it's from compensating or if I may possibly be bilateral.

343, to answer your question, the surgical coordinator at UCLA got my preauthorization papers submitted this morning, and I had authorization for "as soon as possible" surgery. They're trying to get me down there and on the schedule next Thursday, but I'm not sure if I can swing that. May be the next week.

I am concerned about my asthma, and worried about post-op breathing issues, Elyse, but you're right -- the fact that they're on it now proactively instead of retroactively makes all the difference I'm the world. And my fear is moot anyway. I should be a whole lot more worried about an emboli breaking loose and finding its way into my lung.

I have read many comments on here about people "disappearing" after they've had success in treatment. I promise to keep on board and be your cheerleader as soon as I'm through this and cam give you all some more hope. I'm realistic, but more so optimistic, and I will have a happily-ever-after ending to share soon enough.

Thank you again to all. My thoughts and prayers are with every one of you who are combatting this ugly little condition of ours. Talk soon...Mama.
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