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Old 11-23-2011, 12:42 AM
Neofate Neofate is offline
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Neofate Neofate is offline
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10 yr Member

Thank you guys for responding.

It helps, as long as I've been in this "fog/pain/ etc" I've become lost in my own misery. If that makes any sense.

One of the big things that makes it hard, is the tests I've had done so far have provided zero positive results, so my family -- to be blunt- simply doesn't believe me. They tell me I have nothing wrong with me, it is all in my head, and I need to get on with "life".

Trying to explain that there is something seriously wrong with me that makes everyday very hard just to 'exist' through and my symptoms is next to impossible.

I understand why to some extent, as they just can't relate and are entrained to think well, if a doctor can't find anything then there must NOT be anything.

I answer it with simple logic that just because X tests came back 'normal' doesn't equal a result,.. or in other words -- no number of tests will give an certainty or proof that there is nothing wrong.

Further, the weakness, pain, neurological issues (ie: Vision , memory, general thinking, etc) are to such an extreme and so abnormal to me that while I'm sure I have some depression and anxiety issues as a result of this for so long... it does NOT equate with any mental illness.

My symptoms don't add up to any mental illness. They are too severe to be just clinical depression and the variants of so..

It really bothers a person when the only people that SHOULD be on your side,.. (aka: Immediate family) ,.. isn't, and further insinuates that you are just bold face lieing about being so ill.

You may wonder,.. why is he making such an issue of what anyone thinks? Well, I am a 32 yr old Man. When I was 19yrs old I was 100 times better able to handle the responsibilities of "life" and in general, everything than I am at a time when people have really started to get some real consistency in their lives.

Further, my immediate family has known me, and the type of person I am my entire life. I am one to hold in emotions, to hold in any pain,.. laid back, and never really went to doctors even for checkups. I didn't complain about colds, flu's, or be dramatic in any way about health. Somewhat stoic, and never saw a point in trying to be dramatic like I see some people do to get attention.

Then at age 25 or so I start to express some issues that slowly progress to where I am now. In my head it doesn't make sense that someone who spent 4/5th's of their life not complaining or making any issue about their health suddenly and consistently have such problems.

All in all, there is no 'advantage' of being sick. I'm not going out and having fun , or having any decent quality of life and haven't for years now. In my head it should be obvious that there is a significant problem that keeps a person from even feeling like going out to do 'enjoyable' things. Who doesn't want to have a little 'fun' ?

So at this time I need the aforementioned 'help' from my family with encouragement and helping on finding doctors and so on to figure out just what is going on so it can be treated to some degree. Even if it is MG, or Thyroid problems (or both) -- they can't be cured, but I'm SURE If these exist I can feel some percentage better than I have been.

So I really appreciate the input.

So I basically, at this time, need to see two specialists?

1) An Endocrinologist to further examine Thyroid.

2) A Neurologist for the muscle weakness.

Money is a factor, I do not make much income at the moment because of all of this -- so I have to really pick my docs and visits and spread them apart to afford them. But, with the way every single day is.. I have no greater passion than to actually have someone actually find out what is WRONG with me.

Because once you know, I suspect, you can begin *some* sort of treatment. Further, a diagnosis would likely help my mental and emotional state as I could get out of this loop of self-doubt and questioning what is going on and why.
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