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Old 11-25-2011, 12:43 AM
Shadow1 Shadow1 is offline
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Shadow1 Shadow1 is offline
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Originally Posted by rjewels13 View Post
Got the official diagnosis yesterday. Spent 10 hours total between hospital and PT evaluation. Had the anterior scalene & pectorial minor block and it did NOT relax the muscles. What an awful procedure! They wouldn't give me a thing for anxiety or to calm me down. I was super nervous, had just spent 2 hours with dr and was hurting bad and having awful muscle spasms as nirmal. Why is it that i feel worse when I sit down? Anytime that I sit, i start hurting and spasms begin.

Today, I am very sore and it hurts worse to lift my affected arm and turn my neck from side to side. Is this normal? They said I'd be sore, but crap.....I didn't think it would make my symptoms worse! What other results have you all had with the blocks?

I have to find a PT that is willing to work with dr office and PT experts 3 hrs away. It's difficult in the small area I live in to find a PT with experience. This whole situation is stressful, and any success stories are much appreciated. I don't want to end up with surgery and want to try everything in my power to get myself better. This is a huge financial strain with having to take off work for this appt and that appt along with traveling 3 hrs one way.

I'm new to this forum and hope to gain some valuable info once I get to look around and read all the threads.

Hi Julie,
Sounds like you've had a rough day. I totally understand and can sympathize. My symptoms are bilateral and I had scalene block yesterday (11/23). However, the anesthesiologist would only do the block on one side so I chose my left side. I was put under twilight sedation and couldn't drive or work afterwards. I was a little lightheaded all day. Anyhow, my neck was sore yesterday but I iced all day as was recommended and just took it easy. Today I was fine. You had a to fit in a lot of other things (PT eval, pec minor block, lots of driving time, etc) so that probably also contributed to your stress/anxiety and spasms. While my neck feels fine from the actual injection, I've yet to see any relief of my symptoms which I'm told could take a couple days if it works. If it doesn't work, then it doesn't work.

I will do a scalene block on my right side next, probably in a few weeks. I'm thinking that I might need a pec minor block on my right side, as well as a scalene block as I seem to have more pec issues on the right.

Please take the time to find an experienced PT and one that is willing to work with you and not do standard protocol for TOS. They have to be able to listen to you and learn from your symptoms as to where they need to treat. As far as pain when you sit, your PT will be able to help you with this as it's all related to your head position, posture, lumbar, pelvic tilt, etc...the list is endless. Unfortunately, there is no magic pill for TOS. We didn't get this way overnight so assume that it will take a dedicated effort to beat it.

Also if you haven't already please do some research on diaphragmatic breathing which should help with some of your anxiety/stress. I have found a lot of relief with the Alexander Technique which is helping me realize that I'm holding a lot of subconscious tension in my body. The lessons help me to inhibit those holdings, basically reeducating my muscles.

Ask lots of questions of everybody and do lots of research online. You'd be surprised at how many people are my work are walking around with so much pain, I've become a resource to many and even helped somebody get rid of the numbness in her 4th and 5th fingers (ulnar nerve).

Good luck and I hope the blocks start working for you.
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