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Old 11-30-2011, 09:14 PM
wowiecakes wowiecakes is offline
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wowiecakes wowiecakes is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
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Default Hi Everyone

My name is Valerie, and I joined this group for several health problems. I am 50 years old, and had to stop working at age 43 and go on disability due to my numerous health conditions. I live alone and am finding it very hard to live on what I get from disability, so I constantly worry about losing my home, which causes me constant major stress problems. I have looked into every possible help agency in Indiana, and I do not qualify for any of them because they say I make too much in SSDI.....HA! not even close. My only source of family support is my 78 yr. old mom, who is practically deaf, and is quickly losing her memory. She lives on SS, and makes less than I do, but she has lent me so much money already that she is tapped out.
Anyway, my current medical conditions are as follows:
Stage 3, Aggressive, Invasive Mammary Ductal Cancer - currently in remission. diagnosed in 2006

Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Chronic pain under both arms

Inguinodynia (also called Post Herniorrhaphy Pain Syndrome or Chronic Post Surgical Pain).

Back, Neck and Shoulder Pain - caused by a herniated disc at L5-S1, a bulging disc at L4-L5, Osteoarthritis in lower back, Degenerative Disc Disease from top of neck to bottom of spine, Spinal Stenosis in entire spine, and Scoliosis. since 1986, not diagnosed until 1996

Fibromyalgia - since 2003

Hyperalgesia - causes a hyper-painful reaction to any painful stimuli that a normal person would not have.

Allodynia - causes a hyper-painful reaction to non-painful stimuli

Vulvodynia - chronic severe burning pain inside and outside of the vulvar area - no known cause, no known cure. Diagnosed in 1996

Chronic Venous Insufficiency with Pitting Edema in feet, ankles, calves. Will travel up farther if not controlled with diuretics.

Chronic Severe Depression - since 11 years old, not diagnosed until I was 33.

Chronic Anxiety Disorder - since I was approx. 8 years old, not diagnosed until 1998.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - both hands, right hand much worse. Had surgery in 1996 and was good for 10 years, then it came back.

Raynaud's Syndrome - both hands

Lateral Epicondylitis - right elbow

Daily moderate to severe tension headaches

Pain in right ankle - from 3 seperate sprains that never healed correctly

Chronic Bronchitis

Sleep Disorders - EDS (excessive daytime sleepiness), insomnia

Posterior Vitreous Detachment, Intermittent Exotropia, Myopia, Presbiopia, all in right eye.

So basically, I am living in chronic pain and misery every single day. Since I have no insurance, and cannot afford Medicare, I have to go to a Hospital that takes patients with no insurance. This hospital system has the worst level of patient care in the state. It takes months to get in to see any type of doctor, even your primary care doctor. And they refuse to give me any type of pain medication stronger than Tramadol, which does not help at all.

Previous to going on disability, when I was still able to work, I went to several pain clinics over the years. They had me on several narcotic pain meds such as Norco, Duragesic Patches, Actiq, Methadone, Oxycontin, and Extended Release as well as Immediate Release Morphine. The two morphines were the last meds I was on, and my tolerance to all of these pain meds, after taking them for nearly 9 years, is through the roof.

When I had to go on disability, and switch doctors, and hospitals, they said I would have to go to their pain clinic to get that type of medication. But, there was a long waiting list to get into it. So I went through the most horrible several MONTHS of withdrawl known to man. I literally wanted to die every single day, and my doctor gave me NOTHING to help with the withdrawl symptoms. That is the kind of hospital this is, they just plain don't care.

I have now been without pain medication for over 4 years, other than Tramadol, which is worthless. It took 3 years to finally get a consultation with the doctor at the pain clinic. And he was an awful, rude, arrogant man, who said that because I had Fibromyalgia, he would never prescribe any narcotic pain medications, because Fibro causes them to stop working after a few months. That is a load of c---! I had Fibro when I was taking them before, and with the meds, I was still able to function and work. Now I can't. I told him so, and he said "Well, that is not my experience with them". End of conversation. Total waste of time and money for me.

So now, my quality of life has gone from a 9 to a 1. And within this hospital system, I have NO hope of ever getting the pain meds I need for all of my chronic pain conditions. So I suffer a constant never-ending circle of stress - pain - anxiety - depression. And I go to bed every nite praying to die in my sleep ..... if I can get to sleep. I do see a psychiatrist at my clinic, and I have flat out told him that if I don't get some pain management medication, I am going to go drive my car off a bridge, and I am not kidding. He had no reply, as if he hadn't even heard me.

So that is where I am at. My worst pains right now are my Inguinodynia that I have had ever since I woke up from my inguinal hernia repair surgery in August of 2010. Six months later, the right side, and then the front of my right thigh went numb, and shortly thereafter, began hurting severely. I now limp on that leg because of the pain, and it often causes me to not be able to sleep also. I am positive that the pain in my groin and leg are due to nerve damage caused during the hernia surgery. I have been trying to get in to see a neurologist ever since, and finally got an appointment on Dec. 13th if they don't cancel it (which they tend to do alot).

I cannot take Lyrica, because it causes me severe headaches. And although Neurontin helps the pain, it makes me dizzy, off balance, makes my ears ring, and my head feels like it is full of cotton. Plus, it will not allow my Lasix I take for my Venous Insufficency work at all, so I start gaining pounds of water when I take it. I also tried Cymbalta, which seemed to work for about a week, then it stopped. Any suggestions for this horrible nerve pain??????

Thanks, Valerie
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