Originally Posted by bent98
All these doctors say my neck is not causing what I have. I have had this posture ever since I can remeber.
Some of the posture symptoms sound familiar too. My last business kept me slouched over the terminal for 8-16 hours a day for ten years. Not good, and it sneaks up on you all at once. Seated chin tucks have helped quite a bit, though they hurt like the dickens at first (as the PT warned me). After several weeks though, things got quite a bit better. I do them more easily now, and monitor my seated posture more closely.
I've had quite a bit of Myofascial Triggerpoint Therapy; eventually the therapist taught us to do it at home, we bought the workbook, and now we use it whenever applicable.
Thanks for the link on UCS; I'll look into that further, though there's no question of my cervical spine being the main issue in my case. Osteoarthritis is known to cause Degenerative Disc Disease.