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Old 12-05-2011, 10:20 AM
cath1 cath1 is offline
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cath1 cath1 is offline
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Originally Posted by frenchfri1003 View Post
I think we will both be evaluated around the same time for the TOS. I go to the vascular surgeon on the 13th. i have spoken to all 3 PT's at the location where I am being treated. I have shown them the physical symptoms at various times. They all feel it is TOS due to positional situations, posture although there can be some Raynauds mixed in there too in order to complicate matters. I am trying to document all of the physical changes and my physical condition or position along with the room or outside temperature. My symptoms come and go regardless of the temperature. It affects my hands and toes/feet. I do have arthritis (more advanced than I thought) in my knees, neck and probably hands too. My hands swell at times (more often in the am) where I can't put on my rings. My symptoms seemed to be aggravated after the car accident. Are your symptoms any worse after you fall. How are you feeling?

I hope that we both get some answers and a possible remedy to our situation. Keep me posted.

My appt is the 15th, so we are both about the same there. My symptoms haven't been worse since my fall, they've been this bad all along. I seemed to hit a plateau of recovery at 6 mths post op and I haven't gotten better since. My right arm is HORRIBLE. no fine motor skills (must steady my hand on a towel rack to put my makeup on in the morning) can't write well or hold a pencil, my husband built a custom desk for me to accommodate all ergonomic suggestions from PT to see if that would help, I get about 15 mins on computer before pain sets in too much to bare. I have the cold fingers/hand all the time also, regardless of temp, plus numbness/tingling, my scalene/shoulder area hurts so bad it brings me to tears, and the knot in my traps is always painful.

I hope I can get some sort of answer, I'm still not back to work and want to push for retraining in a different field, but I feel I need a diagnosis for that, maybe, maybe not. My PT also stresses posture and position, and I"m very aware of my posture always, but it doesn't always seem to make a difference with the pain.

Good luck to us both.... this fun never ends, huh? LOL
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