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Old 12-06-2011, 01:07 PM
bobthebuilder54 bobthebuilder54 is offline
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bobthebuilder54 bobthebuilder54 is offline
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Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
Yes, I do have Raynaud's - and MCTD. My fingers and toes used to turn white. Now my fingers still turn white, but my toes have not been doing that lately. I do see the bottoms of my feet get a little blue at times. This is why I thought it was chilblains. My rheum agreed after I persuaded her, then when I went back after using norvasc and it hadn't helped, plus I had more neuropathy symptoms, she changed her mind. Took me off norvasc and put me on elavil. The neuropathy is better but the toes are still doing this. I haven't had any sores, but last night my feet got cold, then today they are hurting worse and redder. My finger tips started to feel weird again tonight. I've noticed when I wash my hands my pinky may turn blue -without me feeling anything weird. So what should I do to get a doctor to believe it is the raynaud's and actually treat it? My rheum has only given me elavil (and already on plaquenil). The only other thing that sometimes put doubt in my mind is that sandals with thongs especially cause my second toes to hurt more and get redder. I don't see how raynaud's would be doing this, unless there is some pressure somewhere that needs to be addressed. ?? My Raynaud's has never bothered me this severely. I'm in Florida so really worried about Jan or Feb.

Have you been treated for neuropathy and Raynaud's separately? Can a vascular specialist help if this is Raynaud's?
Can Raynaud's cause your ankles and calves to get cold too? Sorry - I am asking more questions back at ya!
Hi, I have been treated for the RAynauds, mine was quite bad for a while. My fingers, hands,even my nose was turning blue, could hardly bend fingers, well anyway first they tried a nitro cream, then off of that then gave me a calcium channel blocker which did help but still it was not bad, then they gave me trental been on that off and on for about two years, that really does it for me. I live in Michigan and it gets cold here, but I find stress is a bad, bad trigger for me. Sometimes worst than the cold.
I am not a doctor, or anything remotely close,lol, but the calves, and ankles could that be circulation, or the neuropathy? I am on a med for the perhieral neuropathy I am on too. It is an anti siezure med, which is called carbamazepin. I beleive there is better treatments but they can cause a weight gain, and I am trying to lose weight so chose the later with the neruo blessings. It does help. I will say I get numb fingertips also, now whether it is the raynauds, or neuropathy, not sure what is what, because I have such a overlap of autioammune stuff going on. I have never been to a vascular specialist that is one I have missed so far lol. But the rhuemy takes care of my raynauds for me and is the one that has given me the meds. I hope this helps. and I really dont mind any questions ever, because I am full of them myself, lol.
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