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Old 12-13-2011, 06:48 PM
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catra121 catra121 is offline
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Oh...I'm so sorry. They should have to pay the difference between the two jobs...which is better than nothing even if it's only for a short time...and also pay for retraining if you need that too. Not saying they will...this is work comp we're talking about...but at least here in IL that's how the laws read. But if I were you I'd apply for them know they won't hire you if you are unqualified and then, if you can get that in writing or even just from a phone call, that will be one more piece of evidence in your favor showing that these are jobs you CAN'T do because you are not qualified. Does that make sense?

It just sucks because I know what it's like to be sitting there, wanting more than anything for your life to just get back to normal, and to have people who just don't understand tell you what you SHOULD be able to do. They clearly do not understand just what sort of hell this thing is. It's not just about having a job where you's about being able to function well enough to DO the job, get TO the job, get ready FOR the job, and all those other little things. If there were a fire or emergency at your job, would you be able to get yourself to safety? Are you reliable enough (from a health perspective) to be able to get yourself to work every single day that you are schedule? There are just so many things that go into it that you take for granted when you are healthy.

I know...preaching to the choir...but just wanted to let you know that I totally get it and am sorry for what you have to deal with.

Today must be the day for hearing from attorneys because I heard from mine today about my case. I also heard from another attorney and I have to give a deposition next week for ANOTHER employee's work accident. Good times.

Also funny was that my employer's attorney said he cannot understand why I won't just "resign" and take more money in a settlement. Umm...what is so hard to understand about that? I want my life back to normal...job included...why exactly WOULD I want to just give it up? I'm hoping that in a few weeks I will be back to work...THEY are the ones that don't want me back. Sorry...but I like my as long as I can get myself back there I don't really CARE whether they want me back or not...if I can do the job then they have no choice. I know they'll try to make me miserable...but I don't really care about that either. Once you've had to live through the HELL that is life with RSD the other stuff just doesn't really phase you anymore.
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