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Old 12-26-2011, 09:52 PM
Cheever Cheever is offline
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Cheever Cheever is offline
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Originally Posted by kalikage View Post
Hi my name is Debora I am 42 and I have had the detethering procedure along with a lipo tumor between the L2-L5. I found out in Oct 08 what I had and in Dec08 I had surgery. The cord was cut and about 90% of the tumor was removed. I have never in my life experienced the utter awe and distress utter pain this condition has put upon me.

There is so much to say, Today, July 27 2010 I went to the Dr and am going to go thru yet another MRI. Just to break it down after the surgery was the worst pain I have ever experienced and it took me 2 months just to get walking again.Over the summer I had days where I could manage my pain and be productive. the past 6 months the incontinence has returned, my feet are blue, legs are numb with shooting pains my lower back and hips have a deep pain and like they are on fire. sitting, walking short distance and even laying down back or side is just painful.

I am having weakness in my legs, my right leg will just drop if I apply full pressure on it in standing. Walking up stairs produces a fire burning in my legs and going down the stairs my legs are weak and wobbly. I have foot cramps like crazy at night and wake up with my legs just numb. I have not been able to drive since my surgery and just walking short distances will end in having to lie down for a few hours.

I used to be active in gardening and home projects goin to the lake, movies now my days consist of sitting or laying on the couch or in bed watching t.v. Now dont get me wrong about 6-7 months ago I could handle trips to the store, yes I was hurting but could lay down for less time and be able to keep going. I have always had symptoms from my early 20's. But I always brushed them off as I always thought I was out of shape or was always over doing everything. So here I am again going to get the MRI.

I take 10mg percocets on daily basis and most times all it does is just take the edge off of the fire in my back and legs. I have tried everything from Nuerontin to Lyrica, to Methadone and few others. I am leery about pain meds never took more than a tylenol or advil before surgery and if they would have told me I would be taking Percocet after surgery I probably would have told the no to that too.

I am not keen on meds and if it has a side effect 9 times out of 10 I am going to experience it. I dont know what the results are going to be of this scan but the way things are headed south at the moment I dont expect to be happy about it. I would so like to meet people who are going thru the same experiences as I am. I am just sick of people who either are too stupid to understand or just not care to understand what a day in my shoes is actually like, of course they never will unless they also have it but still people are just non concerning. I have had family members tell me you are ok they removed the tumor cut the cord, you just take pain pills because you like them or addicted. The one that gets me is 2 weeks after my surgery I was told I needed to start walking the neighborhood. O ya a good brisk walk is just what I need! nerve pain people! So hopefully this could get out there and someone who is in my shoes and needs someone to talk with, you can contact me {via my profile }
Hi, I understand everything that you are feeling. I am 39 years old and I had surgery in March of this year and I have not found much relief from any medicine or therapy. I have pretty much the same symptoms as you do,weakness in the legs, burning, muscle cramps, deep pain in the hips, low back ache and my tail bone hurts. I have seen 2 different neurosurgeons since my surgery and they both say that it could take up to 2 years to see any results if any at all. It's going to be hard to wait that time out for results.
After my second MRI I was told about a cyst that stretches from S2 to L5 and both surgeons say that this does not have anything to do with my problems. The nerves are just being over active now. I am up to 2700 mg of neurotin which maybe helping to an extent. I take pain killers but they do not always work. They definately do not work for the burning or cramping. I did have a nerve block at the L5 area for the constant pain down my left leg, which did help the majority of that pain, but I will still get a shooting pain instead of the constant throb. Its really hard to keep up on a daily basis.
If you have any updated reports it would be nice to hear them.
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