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Old 01-11-2012, 12:54 AM
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Default been there done that..

Originally Posted by dgreen View Post
Hi, this is my first time posting here but I've been reading awhile. I'm 52 and on Oct 9th I was in a motorcycle accident. All I remember is the bike bucking and then sitting in the road bleeding everywhere. Evidently my helmet flew off and besides multiple other things I was knocked out. I had stitches and a large bump in the back side of my head and stitches where my eye brow was and a large lump there. I was home about 4 weeks and feeling like I could return to work when all of a sudden I got these strange things going on. I couldn't go to sleep without this feeling of falling (I had them earlier but thought they were caused by the painkillers) I was also having these strange pressure feelings in my head off and on, couldn't drive in the car, didn't want to leave the house, trouble wqith memory, etc. My Dr diagnosed me with PCS and started me on 10mg of Celexia. I also have 2mg valium, that I use when things are rough. He told me it would take about 6 weeks for the Celexa to start. I've been on it for about 6 weeks now and don't have the falling feelings and very rarely have the pressure feelings. I feel like I'm getting there but my concern is when I see the Dr on the 24th of Jan and tell him I'm ready to go back to work that I'll start getting the symptoms back again. Has this happened before? I still don't leave the house much and I sleep alot. I have about 2 1/2 months left of paid leave that I would lose when I go back if I don't use it so thats another worry. I stress about not being there and also about going back I've had my job for 25 years and they are all very supportive right now. Just wondering about anyone getting returning syptoms etc. Thanks
I know exactly how you feel. I got in an auto accident in June 09 where I totaled my car with air bag deployment. I went to the Dr. who said I could go back to work in a couple of days.. Low and behold after about 2 weeks back at work I started developing feelings of hopelessness. My executive brain functions were all screwed up. . I was in advertising sales and I began to become very impulsive.

I would say inappropriate things to customers because all my filters were off so to speak..Whatever came to mind came out of my mouth and for a sales person that is an absolute kiss of death. I also became very depressed and confused. The accident also affected my Testosterone level knocking it down to almost nothing..

It's almost 2 1/2 years later and even though I'm feeling much better, I'll never be the same person. I truly believe you should utilize your sick time to the max as these symptoms come and go continuously the first yesr.. Best of luck.. Also one last thought. My Dr. prescribed Cymbalta for my depression and it worked extremely well/
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