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Old 03-30-2007, 07:25 AM
Pamster Pamster is offline
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Pamster Pamster is offline
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Originally Posted by Mari View Post
Last week I was worried about the government making me change my lightbulbs.

This week I am worried about global warming flooding my city in the next few decades.

I am in Florida too Mari and I worry a LOT about water related issues, not even gonna say the "H" word but it's stressing me out because we're supposed to be moving and I don't htink we're going to be able to move until late May which is cutting it wicked close IMO. I want to be all settled in by June and I don't think it's going to work out that way and I am really disappointed by it. But some things like you've mentioned are out of our control and we just have to work at accepting them.

This is how nuts I am: I read stuff that tries to predict what year certain cities will be underwater. Then I think we need to move to higher elevations.

Oh, yeah. Also the presidential election. I was in deep mourning for a very long time in 2000 and 2004 and not happy enough about 2006. I'm not feeling good about 2008.

I need to start mediating and doing self-hypnosis and find ways to stop worrying. Maybe I am supposed to involve myself in things that I do have control over, like, I don't know keeping my house clean. Or maybe even keeping a journal agian.

Thanks for letting me think aloud.
That's what we're here for Mari, to help other's and support them and seek support when we need it. I am really glad Neuro Talk is still here for us.

Originally Posted by mymorgy View Post
I know when I started taking risperdal I worried and obsessed less. I still worry a lot but appear to be a lot more selfish than you are. I also have more of an attitude which maybe you can adapt which might also come from being older, that most things are out of my control and I can't do anything about them and maybe they are meant to be in the "greater plan" and who am I to question the greater plan? Two friends of mine say that we get older, we come to realize that most things are out of our control. Our trying to control things as bipolars put a great deal of stress on ourselves. You are amazing that you can get yourself to work. That is one huge accomplishment. I am certain you are excellent at what you do. You also have a wonderful relationship with your husband. That is awesome. I don't know if these are in your control or not but they are huge things. You are also the most wonderful friend to us.
ps I also think bipolars have a lot of mental energy and they have to get rid of it somehow or else it turns into maybe these worries are also releases
I never thought about it that way before mymorgy, that we have a lot of mental energy and have to like discharge it or risk it becoming depression. That's an interesting thought, thanks for sharing it. I do agree that we put ourselves through a lot of stressing trying to control our BP'ness though. Glad you're posting mymorgy, it's nice to see you again.
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