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Old 02-15-2012, 12:53 PM
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Default Please help! Everything is going wrong! I am desperate!

Hi, catra121 and alt1268:

Today, on Wednesday, February 15, 2012, I went to consult my primary care physician. I told him everything about how the work injury on my left knee occurred, what treatment I received in the Emergency Room, what treatment I applied at home according to the Emergency Room doctor's instructions, the reactions of my scraped knee wound (burning pain, throbbing pain, pus discharge, foul odor, redness around the wound...) The doctor removed my last dressing, touched my knee, wound included, with his gloved hands, and made another light dressing.

My primary care physician's response about the pus on my dressing was: "It is not pus, it is the cream you are using." The cream I am using, Flammazine, is a white hydrophilic cream, containing silver sulphadiazine. It is as white as snow and not yellowish, like pus. So it is not the cream I am using. It does not take a rocket scientist to understand this. Flammazine is the cream the Emergency Room doctor used for my first dressing, the cream she asked me to use for the dressings I have to make at home, and the cream my primary care physician used for the light dressing he made today.

Of course, I have no way of proving to my primary care physician I have burning pain and throbbing pain in my scraped knee wound, so he does not believe me. Just because there are no tests for pain does not mean it is not there. There is an American proverb that says: "Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence."

Besides that, what kind of nose does my primary care physician have, not to be able to smell the foul odor coming from my scraped knee wound? Everyone else is able to smell it but, of course, not him and he does not believe the people who are able to smell it.

Same thing, what kind of eyes does my primary care physician have, not to be able to see the redness around my scraped knee wound? Everyone else is able to see it but, of course, not him.

So what do I do? The public health insurance company would not appreciate my going doctor shopping. I am so angry at my doctor and at my pain in the scraped knee wound that I want to take the phone book (Yellow Pages) and slam it hard, really hard, on my scraped knee wound, again and again and again.

Catra121, my primary care physician does not even want to hear about the information i might get from the Internet. I realized this today. I did not know he was like this, but now I do. My primary care physician refuses to prescribe any better or stronger antibiotics for me, in creal or oral form.

Thanks for listening to me. Now I am going to send this message and cry my eyes out. Thanks again.
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