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Old 02-15-2012, 10:30 PM
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Originally Posted by Kheldar View Post
After suffering now for the past 3-4 days with pain and spasms so intense I can sometimes barely see or think, I can say YES, I am alone.

I am finally breaking down and typing before my guaranteed pain killer works (a VERY strong drink) kicks in.

My things I have been enduring are out of control and spreading and increasing. Like my spasms, they are on my chest, arm (hand to top), shoulder, back and side, and sometimes left side of chest and arm, and most recently, up my right side of neck. And the warmer my hand and arm get, the more strongly the spasms become as well as how long they last... Very tired of 12 hour non stop spasms in 3 locations on me at once. And I can't cool my hand to shoulder, cold makes me almost scream with the pain.

And now my hand and fingers and armpit area sweat badly, got a lump on my middle finger.

Lost all my "friends" because people don't want to be around someone who is in pain constantly and I can barely use arm or put pressure on right side now. Only one I have on my side is my lawyer trying to let me be seen where and when and by whom I want and get me my money back. Other than that, well, it's obvious.

There is my nickle post - sorry if it bothers anyone.

Micheal Knight
i can relate late to you in some way, although my rsd is only in my hand and spread up my arm, and i now have a claw hand. i completely agree with you on the friends comment because i feel this way too. keep hope, that is all we can do.
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