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Old 04-04-2007, 09:07 PM
Pamster Pamster is offline
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Pamster Pamster is offline
Join Date: Aug 2006
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Today while we were at Jackie's school's field day he waved and said, "Hi Mom!" to me and I was so happy, since he's autistic it's some awesome to hear him speaking so clearly! I am really excited about how well he's doing now, just had to share since today him talking like that made my day! I didn't want to post the other news we've got though, wanted to wait for something good to happen, and Jackie talking to me (I was video taping the event and he was walking by in a parade of his classmates) thrilled me no end!

The other news is not good, the lady we've been working with about moving into this new place told me the other day that there is another couple that is somehow ahead of us and might be getting the cheaper rentable apartment. Which is BAD news, if they get it we're going to have to pay close to two hundred more a month to get in there. So I am hoping that tomorrow when we go to sign the last of the paperwork that we can convince her we deserve that break financially and that she should make good on her verbal promise to rent one of them to us at that rate, it's just not fair to ask us to pay more just because she forgot she told us we had the option of getting in one of those lower rent units.

It's so hard living on a fixed income, but we do our best, this rent break would allow us to get a newer car so you can imagine how much this means to us. I hope we get good news tomorrow...If so I will post about it here and be bouncing off the walls. LOL! This was a great thread idea Mari, thanks for starting it. I am so grateful to have this forum to post with you all in, ever since the name change I feel a lot more comfortable here. I am really glad so many people post here, it makes it really supportive and useful to have so much support available.

You all are awesome!
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