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Old 09-19-2006, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Junie View Post
and when we got home there were shells everywhere all over the floor and we found the little guy in the corner cracking open yet another walnut and eating the nut inside

omg I love it! Your dog sounds SO much like thor Wish we had stomachs like that!

They get into stuff because it's there and no other reason. I love the "huh?" look when you call them out on it too

Our son brought home a 3 mo old kitty the other night and thor will sniff him/lick him, but keep his distance, because he's highly offended at a cat hissing. If we attempt to put the kitty on the floor, Thor does the excited fanny wiggle and we realize he could never contain himself enough for the kitty to be safe around him just yet.

I've realized thor is just a big baybee with little self control and has to be watched like a hawk. If I get on the floor with him to play I am covered with bruises, because he is a brute! But, if I accidently step on his foot outside, you should here the yelp! delicate brute I guess!

I'll have to look and see if we have a pet forum yet. Animals crack me up and stories of their antics and loyalty always brighten my day. And pictures! I love pics of ppl's animals. Everyone has a special personality and I want them all!
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