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Old 03-22-2012, 08:38 AM
JulieRN JulieRN is offline
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JulieRN JulieRN is offline
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Originally Posted by Mark in Idaho View Post

Do you know about the Boston to New York Trolley Line from the late 1800' to early 1900's. The old road bed is still in place in many areas as it snakes across CT. There are also many other lines between the bigger cities and towns. It is a fabulous place to take long quiet walks.

You could have a great time walking with your son. In the 70's, I would ride bikes and motor bikes on it during the spring and summer, then walk it with my dad and brothers while hunting pheasant and squirrels during the fall.

The various trolley museums may have maps of the old road beds.

There is something special about the sounds of nature that settles the brain better than any recording.

btw, You can do you own cognitive therapy by working with your son on math tables and other mind math. Re-establishing the thinking patterns/skills for finite things like math are easiest. The more abstract thinking is often a struggle.

I have had to relearn mental math at least 4 times after previous concussions. It is done best when it is just a challenge and not a mandatory task. I would try to add up a few items to see if i could beat the check out girl with her register. It only works when you just have a few items and you know the prices. It is quite a thrill to beat the check out girl. (Don't mean to be sexist but the women/girls are the best so I just ignore the guys)

This can also be a fun challenge with your son.

Sudoku is too intense but Numbrix is a good challenge.

My best to you.
Hi Mark,

I'm not familiar with the Trolley lines, but now you've given me something to look in too However, I've been invited on various "hikes" with friends and have declined because I have this "fear" of getting lost...I got lost once at the mall with my oldest Son...could NOT remember where I parked my car and he wasn't paying attention...that turned in to a full blown panic attack for wasn't fun....but now I park in the very same area ALL of the time so that it will NEVER happen again

Math...I actually had to explain to my Son's 5th grade Teacher that I have a MTBI...geesh...a few months ago he was struggling with Math and I could NOT for the life of me help him... Unfortunately, Math was never a strength of mine lol...though I did very well in pharmacology in Nursing School...that is great advice that you've given me with the checkout girls lol!!!

I find I challenge myself quite a bit on a daily basis...that's my stubborn streak lol!! I'm also terrified of declining cognitively...

I think one of my biggest "gripes" presently is how easily my symptoms can be changes, increased activity, stress...sometimes it does, and other times it does not...I never know until I engage's so variable...I think that is what frustrates me the most...*sigh* but I keep going anyways...and have learned to rest, because I have no choice

I'll look in to the Trolley lines....thanks for your support!!

July 21, 2010, one month after starting my new job I sustained a concussion after standing up quickly from a sqatting position and subsequently being impaled by the corner of a metal filing cabinet in to the left side of my skull. Dx. Post Concussive Syndrome.

Female, 45 years young
Mom of 3 boys (22,19,10)..Registered Nurse 16 years

Symptoms: Vertigo, difficulty concentrating, unable to multitask, fatigue, severe transient headaches..severity and location change frequently, anxiety, PTSD, tinnitus, "electrical like sensations" across the top of my head, "hot flashes", numbness and coolness to hands (worsens in A/C), very poor recall ability, processing and comprehension, difficulty finding words and completing thoughts, short term memory is awful.

~I will never give up on myself~

~I run because I can. When I get tired, I remember those who can't run, what they'd give to have this simple gift I take for granted, and I run harder for them...I know they would do the same for me <3
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