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Old 03-26-2012, 08:24 AM
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I can relate to what you are going threw. I had a ruptured annie last January. I am not only suffering from depression (I believe) but other physical stuff. No diagnosis as to what the other stuff is and it bumbs me out even more. I get headaches, stars, ringing in ears, wierd outta-body stuff. Numbness, tingling and the list continues. I was advised to see pysc and have yet to follow up. Its alot to rap your head around. I am constantly reminded how lucky I am to be here. I should have died according to those around me (sometimes I think their right). I struggle everyday with normal activity, not because of physical imparement, but mental (I think). I've been on lyrica and metoprolol. I stopped taking them when they could not give me a diagnosis as to why I should take them. None of the above compares to being alone tho. The worst for me is being alone. Everyone tiptoes around me, avoid me like I have a plague. That hurst the most and Im sure it contributes to my emotional well being. If you have a support network, stick with it, seek medical help when needed. I sit everyday trying to remember that awful feeling just before my head popped. Living in fear that its waiting to get me again. The neurosurgeon assured me that it would not happen again, but the physical things Im expererience says other. I encourage you to get all the help you can. If you are taking meds, take them, talk to your dr's about adjusting them if needed and continue to talk to those who are supportive of you. Do what you deem best for yourself and Im sure in time it will get better. I still believe that even I will get better, just as soon as I find a good neurologist and perhaps pyschologist/pychiatrist which ever comes first. My prayers to you and anyone else that stands in need of prayer, even myself. God bless, please keep us posted as to how and when your issues are resolved. HUGS!!!
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