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Old 03-31-2012, 02:48 PM
PlasticMonkey PlasticMonkey is offline
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PlasticMonkey PlasticMonkey is offline
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Default Question on anxiety and explaining my PCS.

Hello im new here, at the beginning of march i was outside raking leaves to put in bags because my yard was getting pretty flooded with them. I didnt realize i left the rake laying around and as i was putting leaves in a bag i stepped forward on the rake and smacked myself in the face pretty good hitting myself in the lip and just above my right eye almost knocking myself out.

I didnt think to much of it at the time, just went back inside and put ice on my lip because it puffed up pretty good. I'd say a good week and a half later i was sittin at my computer screen as i do most of the day everyday (currently suffering from Ulcerative Colitis, unable to get a job till im in full remission) and i got what i think was a panic attack. Cant really even remember what i was thinking about but my heart started racing for no reason and i panicked, went to my parents room to let them know what was happening.

They thought maybe it was because of what i ate because we had fast food that night for dinner. For some reason everytime i stuff myself my heart rate increases slightly, it always has. But i doubt that my heart would increase that fast in such little time over something i ate. But at the time i took their word for it, sat down and went back to what i was doing. The next day it happened again, out of nowhere my heart rate increased pretty good.

At that point it was when i realized i was experiencing anxiety. I was shaky and scared constantly thinking about the time i was smoking marijuana. Because smoking weed was the first time i've ever had anxiety. Apparently i was just so stoned that i panicked, smoked it again a couple months afterward and it happened again so, i read about it online and people suggested i may be allergic to it. From that point on i have been completely sober. Anyways i went in and told my parents about having anxiety, they both thought maybe i've just been stressing out about financial problems.

For the next 2 days it was just hell, i felt so terrible to the point of tears because i couldnt realise what was happening. I kept feeling like there was something wrong with me like maybe i was starting to get a heart attack etc. I felt really dizzy and nauseous until i finally broke down into tears and my parents took me to the emergency room. The wait there was extremely long and people were getting called in before me even though i was there quite a bit longer than they were, so we just went home and made an appt with my doctor.

Turns out they thought i had a concussion that just didnt show up till 2 weeks later and said that im experiencing PCS (didnt go to the doctors till the 15th). Which i guess did make me feel a little better finally knowing what i was going through, and in time i would get better considering the blow i took wasnt nearly as bad as other people. But for a week afterwards i was still getting anxiety and throughout the week it was slowly getting better. Sometimes i would wake up with my heart beating really fast, but for most of the week i had insomnia.

Eventually it got to the point where i was definitely making improvements to where i thought i was all better and cured for a few days, Till one day i went outside and mowed the lawn. I got my heart rate up pretty good, and went inside to take a break because it kinda felt like i was scaring myself into thinking my heart was beating way to fast than what it should be at. It started bringing the anxiety back. I started thinking maybe i was going to get a stroke, couple days went by i felt a little better then i thought i was getting tetanus(lol)

Then i thought to myself that obviously i didnt have either of those otherwise i wouldnt be alive. So i settled down a little and felt kind of iffy for the next couple of days having weird thoughts like thinking maybe this all isnt real, all in all just thinking a lot about different things, some bad some good. Last Wednesday i started getting some bad anxiety i got so worked up in thinking i had tetanus. I felt like it was hard to breathe, i started getting extremely dizzy and it felt as if i was going to pass out. I didnt pass out infact about 5 minutes afterward i started feeling better. And till today i have been feeling okayish but im still getting Anxiety like symptoms, for example when i lift my arm it feels slightly shaky, i still feel dizzy and somewhat nauseous. Off and on i feel pressure on my head and pressure just above my nose right between my eyes.

Yesterday I actually got up and cleaned the bathroom, to where before i just felt like i couldnt do anything and just sat around watching movies. Sometimes i would out of nowhere smell random things like someone farted or somethin when no one did or when i was by myself (and im sure i would know when i farted or not xD)

Since yesterday it seems as though concentrating on things has become a little difficult, like i said b4 im still a bit dizzy, shaky, and nauseous. As far as i can tell every conversation i've had with my parents has been okay, i didnt really slurr any words didnt have much trouble thinking of what to say but for some reason im nervous about if i start doing those things. I read about someone having PCS and their symptoms were getting worse, they ended up thinking that it was just the concussion getting worse till they later realised it was actually anxiety or somethin like that.

Am i getting better or am i getting worse? Does anyone think i may be experiencing Anxiety instead of PCS because Anxiety carries all the same symptoms PCS has? I keep telling myself things will get better and hoping they will. Im looking for small improvements that im making compared to when i first realised i had PCS. I guess the thing im worried most about is, if i have PCS or just having Anxiety(no i dont have a history of anxiety with the exception of the times i smoked, while sober i've never had anxiety or panic attacks till after i got hit in the head with the rake) I also have blurry vision and am sensitive to light, the blurry vision isnt REALLY bad. But it is blurry.

Im also worried about if this is me just having PCS, what if its permenant? Like i've said i try to keep thinking positive. What do you guys think? I havent had any scans or anything. I've had an X-ray of my head and thats about it, they wanted it to see if i had cracks or anything and to look at my sinus's. Do people with PCS experience anxiety like i am? and is it normal to experience all of anxiety symptoms even though someone might only have PCS?

I apologize for this giant rant.
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