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Old 04-04-2012, 10:29 PM
Sadie Capre Sadie Capre is offline
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Sadie Capre Sadie Capre is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2012
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I am 46 years old and have been having noise triggered seizures for five years. The doctors told me they were Psuedo seizures stemming from a total breakdown and also told me I have PTSD. (of course they told me it was Psychological after the seizures did show up on any scans and tests. I finally was sent to Audiologist who determined that I had way above avg. hearing.

I had TMJ Surgery 8 months before the seizures started but the doctors assured me that would not cause what was happening to me. I have a intolerance to high and low frequencies and multiple sounds and voices.

A few months before the seizure started I woke out of my sleep by an extreme and constant low frequency sound that was hurting my head. I put pillows over my head to relieve the pain but it didn't help. I was in tears from the pain in my head and ears.

My husband (as musician) also heard the sound but was not affected like I was. He told me he had never heard a frequency that low before. After about 15 minutes of this the sound stopped but my pain continued for a good while longer. I have always felt that sound that night did something to me that started this disabling life that I now live.

I cannot work, shop, attend concerts and other events especially if they are indoor. I have more problems inside small rooms or rooms with block walls but also have problems outside. Children screaming, whistles, and the bass thumping from teenagers cars drops me to the ground the fastest. The only thing I have been offered to help was the Audiologists solution of acid drops in my ears to deafen my hearing which I will not do.

It is comforting to know that I am not alone. I have felt like a freak all these years with a Psychological diagnosis that I KNEW was Physical. No one understands the destitute I feel as a result of not being understood. I am a single parent who cannot even get a date because I am disabled under a title of a mental disorder. God help us all in finding the cause and hopefully a cure for this phantom illness that doctors cannot detect.
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