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Old 04-12-2012, 05:39 AM
Shezian Shezian is offline
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Shezian Shezian is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 150
10 yr Member

Hi Ride On

Its very normal l guess to have anxiety over something like this initially as the future seems very unknown and overwhelming, especially when most of what l read is terribly painful. But as l am doing more research and thankfully for this site, l am realising that the future may not be as bad as l once thought. I need to think positive and speak to people who have recovered, or at the least are not getting progressively worse. Horror stories are everywhere and l need to keep away from that if l am going to survive the initial phase of diagnosis and get my head in order.

I definitely need to calm down.
What about yourself. When do you get diagnosed and what are your symptoms. Do you think its from alcohol? And you don't have to answer this, but what is your age?

I am not in WA, but have moved to Noosa a year ago from Geelong.

The Neuro, l am seeing here is Doctor Schapel. I see him on Wed.
I went to see him last year after l suffered some dizziness and weird other symptoms, he said, because l had migraines in my early teens that this dizziness is a migraine in a different form. Even though l don't' many headaches now, and you don't need to have any headaches to have a migraine. Dizziness is just another symptom of a migraine. But now l must admit l am starting to have second thoughts about if its actually migraine or connected to NP. He recommended for me to take 400mg of B2 for 2 weeks and then cut it down gradually. He said to forget everything else, as it can do more harm than good. So l did have the b2 and it definitely helped. It calmed me down, and also treated most of the symptoms. I couldn't believe a single vitamin could do that. I now take b2 when l am feeling this dizziness coming and also now through this also taking normal b1 until l see him, then l will order the other b1 from the net as you can't get it here in Australia.

I have decided l will have 2 glasses of bubbles tomorrow and l will not worry about anything, just try and enjoy my birthday with my family.
But l will not have more than that, as l have been drinking too much in my life and definitely need to cut down, and having this has been a wake up call, l just hope its not too late. Too much partying is fun, but it takes a toll on me now, l am not a spring chicken anymore. Its weird because in my mind, l am still the same young me, but obviously my body thinks otherwise.

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