Thread: Normal EMG's
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Old 04-26-2012, 02:32 PM
Anacrusis Anacrusis is offline
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Anacrusis Anacrusis is offline
Join Date: Apr 2012
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Default Negative SFEMG despite myasthenic symptoms

Hi. I would like to be of support to anyone out there with myasthenic weakness despite negative test results and am also looking for some closure as well...

Neurophysiologist and MG researcher October 2011:
´Despite your negative blood tests & negative SFEMG (September 2011) I believe you have had an atypical presentation of seronegative myasthenia which went into a sudden and spontaneous drug free remission (May 2011) which may last up to 2 years. You should take an RNS and retake the SFEMG on a weak muscle (frontalis & deltoid) when symptoms return. I do not believe your symptoms are psychosomatic or that sedatives are the cause of your weakness´

My own conclusions about symptoms after pregnancy are as follows:
1) Zoplicone/antibiotics + heat + repetitive muscle use = severe muscle weakness in an MG pattern. (during an already existing flare up)
2) Reduced medication + cold temperatures + reduced specific muscle use + REST = greatly alleviated muscle weakness.
3) Zoplicone caused 11 months of bulbar & respiratory problems 12-16 hours after each dose was taken (1.25mg daily…. and symptoms reappeared with each challenge dose a total of 10)

Most notable ´episodes´ of fatiguability:
Unable to…..... turn the pages of a book; writing looks like someone else´s at the bottom of the page (that´s still the case); grasp things; strum guitar to end of song; finish a round of applause; almost drowning from sudden deltoid weakness, hold a door open for someone; put make up on with elbows pressed into stomach, piece of rice stuck 20 minutes; tongue weakness; choking on liquids and even toothpaste fumes; epiglottis forgets to do its job; lungs rattling unable to clear; severe breathlessness on repeating same sentence; reading bedtime story like a drunk; chewing stopping halfway through a meal; voice and eyes going in and out of focus; neck weakness; thighs like rubber bands; falling into my dinner plate as the meal progresses........

Some questions:

1) From 2009 until 2011 there was a predictable, almost perfectly exponential progression of fluctuating symptoms yet with such erratic and unpredictable exacerbators from the outside. How does the myasthenia remember or know exactly which position to go back to every time (plus an increment of severity) if there is no permanent damage recorded by an SFEMG?
2) If a sedative could be responsible for 3 years of fluctuating, progressive and fatiguable weakness (mostly upper body and bulbar) then is it possible for someone to go into a significant myasthenic remission whilst ACTUALLY TAKING regular doses of the offending substance?
3) Why would sedatives (Zoplicone & Ambien) cause similar symptoms to antibiotics? (9 prescriptions during 2009)
4) Why might sedatives cause respiratory problems and bulbar weakness 12-16 hours consistently after taking only a 1.25 mg dose?
5) Do normal drug induced side effects follow a fluctuating and PROGRESSIVE pattern?
6) Why, after challenge doses of sedatives, would breathing weakness always precede muscle weakness.
7) Why during flare ups would weakness appear in other totally unrelated sets of muscles than those that were used repetively?

Thank you so very much.......
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