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Old 04-30-2012, 10:58 AM
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Originally Posted by Indie'sOK View Post
I'm not diabetic, though. But I do have sleep problems, most of which are caused directly by stress and sensory overstimulation during the day rather than a chemical problem, I'm sure.

You're saying

1. You aren't diabetic
2. You do have sleep disturbances, but they aren't caused by diet and diabetes.

Then how was I able to predict your sleep disturbances?

The insulin resistance your doctor is talking about IS type 2 diabetes. Overweight has an extreme connection to type 2 diabetes. And about 90% of people with Acanthosis nigricans skin discolorations have type 2 diabetes. My opinion? ....The other 10% haven't been diagnosed yet with type 2 diabetes.

Insulin resistance is caused by food proteins which mimic insulin. Insulin's purpose is to transport blood glucose into cells. These insulin mimetic proteins plug into the insulin receptors on cell surfaces, and prevent insulin from plugging in. This causes cells to starve, and causes the blood to fill with glucose.

These food proteins are also powerfully addictive opiates when combined with sweets. Denial is integral to addiction. You can fix it or not. Your choice.

After asking about it though, you're refusing to even consider it.
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