Thread: Advice needed
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Old 05-06-2012, 04:42 PM
Davidpne Davidpne is offline
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Davidpne Davidpne is offline
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Default Advice needed

Hi I found this site searching Google about something thats happening to me. I have been messed about by Doctors and seem to being ignored, so need advice.

A few years ago I started suffering Severe dizzy spells, which the doctors keep doing blood tests for, I had 30+ tests in 1 year and all they could tell me that I had a High White Blood Cell count. I decided enough was enough and demanded hospital tests and I got a Letter back about dentists, not impressed I left the practise and joined a new one. They said straight away it was Vertigo and put me on 8mg Betahistine, they sent me for Tests for Ear in-balance, but that failed to show anything but a problem with my Eyes not staying focussed or something. So they refered me back for more tests and a Scan, but whilst this was going on they decided to take me off my Olanzapine for the Voices I suffered from and self harming over many years for a trial period. (no I don't do drink or drugs and never have, just everyone asks that). I then moved from the area and had to join a new practise and they refusing to send me for the tests, until I seen the Mental health team. They've increased my Betahistine to 16mg and I waited ages to see the Mental Health. But this is were I need help.

A few weeks ago, I sorta Collapsed, one minute stud up, next on the floor. I don't remember the actual fall, but I can remember more or less up to it and hiting the floor. This was the first time this has happened and although I am extremely stressed about money and lack of help from Mental health and not got my medication, nothing else has changed. I still suffer the Virtigo and this comes on all of a sudden and lasts for mins to hours to days. Well the Collapsing has happened a few more times since then, same thing, one minute fine, next on the floor and only feeling the fall when I hit the ground. I don't lose consciousness but it takes me a few minutes to get my bearings. The Doctor has just said its my Mental health, but I worried now, because from happening the first time then a few days later, today its happened 3 times. I am full pains from the falls. Im 17 stone, so you can imagine the logistical problems when I go, nothing is going to stop me. I just need to know if there is anything obvious that can be causing this.

I getting the voices worse than before and back to the days when I had them bad. Back then I would argue back to the point of Cutting off, but never fell over. But only once I can say I had the voices leading up to a fall. I calling them collapsing, because that what everyone else is, but they seem like a total shut down for a few seconds. The Vertigo doesn't seem to affect me before or after a fall and never had a fall of this nature due to a vertigo attack. Although the Vertigo is so bad at times, I fall over because I can't stand, but I remember everything and the fall.

Sorry its so long, wanted to get in all the details to avoid confusion. I just need to know if there is anything obvious or if they normal for Vertigo sufferers or people with mental health issues.
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