Thread: New Here!
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Old 05-14-2012, 11:24 AM
BackwardPawn BackwardPawn is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
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BackwardPawn BackwardPawn is offline
Join Date: Apr 2011
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10 yr Member

Originally Posted by sunshine_13 View Post
Hi everyone,

I am new here, and i am so glad i found this page!
I have been reading some of the posts, and i feel like i am home!

I am 23 years old. I was diagnosed with MG in August 2011, even though i had been dealing with it for a couple of years before that.
I kept going to different doctors and everyone looked at me like i was weird.
i kept getting answers like "you're too lazy, you need to exercise more"
"you might be anemic" "you need vitamins" "you're stressed out, here's some crazy pills" lol

After a while i just gave up, i stopped trying to get a diagnosis... life was hell, but it was my private hell. I didn't want anyone telling me i was crazy or exaggerating or judging something they knew nothing about.

back in august i started to notice a droopy eyelid, i freaked!
I was used to my muscle weakness by then, my slurred speech... i knew how to hide them, but a droopy eyelid? where was this coming from?
This time i needed a real diagnosis, i googled and googled until i found a link to Myasthenia Gravis. When i clicked on it, i cried... after almost 4 years i had found what was wrong with me. This was it, I KNEW IT! i printed the page and took it to my family doctor... what a disappointment when she said to me. I know nothing about this, you have to go see a neurologist... but she couldn't even refer me to one. Again, i went on google found a neurologist and that same day i made an appointment.

When i showed up to my appointment i gave him the papers and he dismissed
everything i was saying, he just wouldn't listen. I guess doctors don't like it when a 22 year old girl tells them they know what's wrong with them!

My neurologist is a total *****...
After the bloodwork came back and he saw it was MG, he said nothing else to me. Wrote me a prescription for Mestinon and one for prednisone and sent me home. "come back in 2 weeks to see how you are doing"


I could one take the prednisone for 2 weeks... i gained almost 20 lbs, I was ALWAYS in a bad mood, ALWAYS crying, but i kept telling myself just wait this will make everything better. Do as the doctor says. NOT!!!
that night i don't know what got into me but i had become so depressed with these pills that all i wanted to do was jump out my car while my fiancee was driving. That was it for me. NO MORE PREDNISONE!

My doctor wasn't too pleased to know i stopped taking them but i knew they weren't helping. Mestinon on the other hand was magic in a bottle. i was back to being my old self. (kind of)
when it came time to see the doctor again we talked about the possibility of a tumor and how i needed to get x-rays to determine if i had one or not. All the test came back normal, so no tumor!

(Notice how i don't know the terms of these procedures, because my doctor i repeat is an *****)

MG i believe is our test in life. After i was diagnosed, everything that could has gone wrong. My fiancee is now my ex fiancee. I guess dealing with an incurable neurological disorder (i hate calling it a disease) was too much for him. My magic in a bottle pills aren't effective as they used to be!
I am dealing with depression, my family is as supportive as they can be but i know they are still clueless to what it is i am going to through. My dad always asks me "are you still sick?"
gotta love my pops!

Thank you guys for reading my boring post. I needed to say these things to someone i KNEW would understand...

I can relate to just about everything you are saying. In my case it took about 10 years to get the correct diagnosis. The first few years my complaints were either dismissed or confused the doctors. Then I was misdiagnosed and all the doctors, even my neurologist, just dismissed the symptoms that didn't fit. Only my pain specialist kept saying that something wasn't right, but he didn't know what.

About the Prednisone--it is horrible, but not being able to open your eyes or walk is even more horrible. Hopefully you aren't that bad, but if its the only thing that helps, thats something to consider. Also, if you ever start Prednisone again, NEVER just stop taking it. Even if you're only on it a few days, taper off of it.
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