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Old 05-16-2012, 03:30 PM
jinga jinga is offline
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jinga jinga is offline
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Default Joy...

Originally Posted by Joy6 View Post
Jinga and Mark,

He told me about 3/4 the way through the tests that I am more right-brain oriented and very visual. Told me that the line of work I have been in is not really suited for me, and I agreed that it has been basically a solid paycheck for 13 years. He said that I would make a good architect or interior designer, and that I am artistically inclined. I always knew this, but as the saying goes if you don't use it you lose it. I always thought that I was more written/verbally inclined since I always did above average in English/literature, but he said that I am not as inclined as I thought I was, but I secretly disagreed with that because I know that is the result of the concussion. It felt good though to gain some perspective about myself. I really struggled through the math portion of the testing and it was so discouraging.

He told me that my life/brain/stress level was already on overdrive when I had the concussion and that because I experienced a concussion a few years ago, all those factors made this time that much worse. He says the reason I am having so many difficulties is that my brain is trying to find a balance. I am having such a hard time basically "getting my **** together" on a daily basis. He said that more activity will be good for me but that I need support and I don't have much of that in my life right now with my home life demands. Now what type of support he is going to recommend, I am not sure yet until the report is done. Then I have to hope WC gets on the ball.

Time is important when dealing with PCS but I believe it is very very important to get help with life skills, stress management, psychotherapy. When you are left to your own resources, you can feel like you are losing your mind and no one understands you because you appear ok on the outside. I have to reset my brain and learn my weaknesses and learn a new way but I need help to do it. I have had to face myself through this ordeal and everyday brings a new set of emotions and realizations...some good some bad. I have changed three-fold through this injury and am NOT the person I was before.
I hope this doc is actually going to help you but as you have stated he\she was enlisted by the WC ins so WC is going to expect a response that help them out of continuing with expensive treatments and change of occupations etc... I think you said you are from PA - to my understanding PA does not have any vocational training programs unless perhaps your employer is willing to offer you something different within your company at the same pay. I was removed from my worjkplace and told they would contact me if and when I no longer had restrictions of any kind - in the mean time my atty is working to get WC to pay for some of the injuries I sustained such as the head injury. This ordeal is quite overwhelming and honestly doesnt help make with recoverybecause i dont have any income at the moment. Did you strike your head in the accident or do not remember?
What happened - MVA
Multiple injuries - here for support of mtbi, chronic headache and cognitive deficits.
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