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Old 04-13-2007, 09:15 AM
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MelodyL MelodyL is offline
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Hi Glenn:

I'm so tired of all this ANA, titres, anti-body, whatever. Alan (thank God for Zoloft), just left to go on a second job interview. Imagine!!! He got IVIG on Monday and Tuesday, went on a job interview on Wednesday, went to two doctor appointments on Thurday (and was told he might not have CIDP), and this morning, got up and went on a second interview (to the same place he went on Wednesday). And all during this, we talk about our son, who is completely lost to us because he is sitting in an apartment in California and goes on the computer 24 hours a day (because he has aspergers).

This would ruin anyone else. This would take the family dynamics and kick it in the butt. I have to give Alan a lot of credit. Maybe it's the zoloft, maybe it's the fact that I take such good care of him. I don't know.

He's a lot better off than many people on the boards because he can go to the gym and work out. It makes him feel better and after speaking to the physiatrist, now we know WHY.

Oh, this is important, at least it works in Alan's case. Before he goes to bed at night, when he takes the Alprazolam, he puts Blue Stuff on his feet. He coats all the toes with it. In five minutes, he's snoring away. So at least he does manage to get a good night's sleep. He could never do this 5 years ago. He was on the fentanyl. Only going to Dr. Theirl, getting the G5 machine, and my massages, etc. allowed him to go off all pain meds. Like I said, the physiatrist believes that doing this, will get him better. Because we may never know why he has this polyneuropathy going on, at least it's manageable. Oh, she also said AND THIS IS MOST INTERESTING!!!

"I have many diabetics coming in and they have polyneuropathy, and everybody else assumed because they were diabetics that they had to have DIABETIC NEUROPATHY.

She said "We are finding more and more of them have Idiopathic Polyneuropathy, and it's NOT diabetic neuropathy". Now how interesting is that conclusion!!!!

I guess we shall continue to do what we do and I'll support him the best I can.

I mean, what else is there, right?




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