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Old 05-17-2012, 09:23 AM
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Originally Posted by starsong View Post
I recently posted on this forum asking for suggestion on handling lyrica withdrawal. I finally figured out a solution that worked, mostly.

For the nausea:
1) take very, very small sips of a heavily sweetened liquid (check with your doctor first!) if you can't eat, or use a rehydration solution. If you can tolerate liquids, those breakfast shakes are a godsend.
If you cannot handle much in the way of food, crackers work great. Tuna salad is a plus, but isn't required.

Benadryl helps with the nerve zaps, pain, etc. If you cannot eat for more than a day or so, personally, I would go see a doctor, or call the prescribing physician and ask what you should do. My last, and final resort, was to take 1200mg gabapentin which after a few hours got me to where I could eat and didn't yarf at the smell of food. However, this is only to be tried if you have gabpentin and know you are not allergic to it.

I am not a doctor, nurse, etc. Please take my advice with a grain of salt and the good intensions it was written with. I am not giving medical advice, just what worked for me.
May I ask a question? Were you taking the lyrica for pain or onset partial seizures? If for seizures, were you taking another anti-antileptic drug? The reason I ask, is because. I was taking lyrica for partial onset (whatever the want to call it) seizures (no other epileptic meds just lyrica). It's not my first time discontinueig this med. The first time I stopped taking it, I weened off by taking on everyother day, and then one every 3 days and so on. This time I didnt do that, because I had no choice, when I learned that my neuro dr would not allow express scripts to fill prescription for 90 days to save me money (I already cant afford the med) I only had 4 capsules left. I was waiting for my refill to come in the mail and it didnt, so when I called express scripts to inquire about it, that's when I learned that the dr denied the 90 day prescription (because its a narcotic). He did allow it to be filled monthly but I couldnt afford it, thats why I went thru express scripts, If I could, I might as well had gotten in thru local pharmacy because it cost the same. I believe Im going thru withdrawal now. My episodes are magnified and very intense. They're happening more than once a day. They're worse first thing in the morning and if I stay up too late they're horrible in the evenings, especially when I doze off to sleep. I had no choice but to stop taking it cold turkey. Any advice? Im eating everything thats not moving (gaining weight) It's just a week since I've stopped taking it. I gotta find another neuro dr.
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