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Old 05-24-2012, 09:36 AM
Cappy1234 Cappy1234 is offline
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Cappy1234 Cappy1234 is offline
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Originally Posted by Mizzpinkiepie View Post
Hi there. We have a LOT in common....I am 25 with spinal stenosis, DDD, torn and bulging disks in lumbar and cervical spine. Surgeons have told me I need a FUSION and a LAMINECTOMY on my spine however, I cannot find a surgeon that will operate due to my age and the large risks associated with it. I also have three children under the age of three...there are no words to describe how incredibly hard it is to take care of young children when you can hardly take care of yourself.

I have taken a turn for the worse over the past year but before then I was working in orthopedics and one thing I will tell you is that MANY of my patients did NOT get relief from surgery. Many of them regret getting it and had to have 2 or 3 fusions before relief was finally felt. Spinal surgery is very delicate and may not be a complete fix for you. Just make sure you weigh all of your odds before deciding firmly on cant change your mind once its been done.

You cant understand what its like to be so young and feel like your life is over until you have been in those shoes...and I am walking in them with you right now. If you need an ear im here.

I feel for both of you. My OA on my knees seems so little compared to what you two are suffering from. At least I'm almost 61 y/o (almost, a few weeks), I can't even imagine being in that much pain and raising 3 young children.
How do you two manage?

My husband, age 53, has spinal stenosis for the past 20 years. He's in pain, is starting to have a hard time controlling his bowels and urinating sometimes. We have no insurance, I don't qualify for social security disability, my husband may, which would help with medical issues he has. The doctors didn't want to do surgery on him years ago because he was young and would have to go back in every 6 years or so to remove scar tissue. He did serially hurt his lower back and had surgery when he was 21 from a motorcycle accident. His lower back is con caved. But he keeps doing physical work, can't keep him still. He hates taking medication saying it makes him feel lol ie. He'll take half of hydrocodone 10 mg maybe once or twice a day. He's going to end up in a wheelchair I know within 5 years if he keeps this up. I have OA of the knees and was taking 6-8 hydrocodone 10/325 a day plus the same amount of Tramadol 50 mg for pain break through and can barely walk.we make a great couple. Lol
How do people manage to live day to day.with this pain?

My heart goes out to you two and others who suffer like we do.
Bless you both.
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