Thread: Happy?
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Old 05-29-2012, 10:45 AM
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Default Happy?

But I’m happy!
I could say that I am content and pleased with how my life is going.
Would it be pre-mature to assume that I’m in a state of complete blissfulness and that I’m overly ecstatic and cheerful?

Perhaps you all think I don’t know how to be joyful and jovial.
I know what your thinking….
Seems like all I ever talked about was the gloom and doom
The heartaches and heartbreaks,
The miserable and distressing, poignant and depressing side of my life.

So you see
It is indeed an exultant moment for me.
Because, they’re are too far and few occasions where I celebrate life.
Too far a few moments when you will find me on cloud nine.
Every once in a blue moon, you find me in high spirits.
Because most of the time, I’m ****** off and or livid
Yes sometimes easier sad than glad,
And I admit, I prefer to stay mad
But I’m happy!
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