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Old 05-29-2012, 10:54 AM
Lindaky Lindaky is offline
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Lindaky Lindaky is offline
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Default and the Pain goes ON and On!

Originally Posted by ellijaygal View Post
Nobody knows the severity of pain until they have had actual spinal CORD surgery/pain. No other pain I have ever felt has been worse, except possibly the CSF leak headache after my last un-tethering.

People tell me all the time "I know so and so who has a bad back..." I stop them-interrupt and say I have a bad back and it's manageable, but it's the spinal CORD damage that is excruciating.They don't listen. They keep on talking telling me how a chiropractor helped them, or exercise, meditation, etc. If I said I had brain damage they might take it as serious as it is, but they do not understand that the spinal cord comes straight from the brain. A tethered cord surgery is as serious and as risky as brain surgery. Not exactly the same as having a laminectomy and a fusion (and I have had that too) from a herniated disk. There is no way to describe the pain to someone who hasn't experienced it. No way...there are no words to describe what it feels like to have your spinal cord cut.

I came out walking after both of my tethered cord surgeries, BUT after each surgery more and more is taken away from me and more pain than a person should have to bear every day of my life. Arachnoiditis is a very real threat to someone whose dura has been ruptured or cut. I came out walking but I will not always be walking even though I have endured four horrid surgeries. I sometimes wish I could go back and learn to accept a chair and live with much less pain.

Think long and hard before you allow that or any epidural steroid shots into your spinal canal which also punctures your dura and can cause arachnoiditis. Every surgery you have creates more scar tissue and more tethering. It's unending.

I can sympathize with you about the pain of the spinal cord cut! I have had 2 fusions and a tethered cord and am in excruciatiing pain on a daily basis. As you said, you can try your best to describe the pain to people but unless they experience it there is no way they can know what you are feeling. I like you have thought several times I wish I had left things alone and endured the alternative than to be in this pain everyday but then I wonder what it may be like had I done that. I suppose that is something we will not know now that we have gone the other route. I am now having to deal with problems in bth my legs and am not sure what that diagnosis is but it does not look good. My EMG did not come back very promising. Hopefully , I will get some answers on the 12th. I wish you the best and that you will fine some relief from the pain
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